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Sabrina and James are in James' bed, (shocker) on the morning of Monday. Sabrina is using his laptop and checking her emails.

"I gotta go, I have to go to a dance class, then meet with my agent, then go see Sarah and Corey to see Danielle's new baby- actually, you should come to that."

James shakes his head. "As much as I would love to, I can't, I have work."

Sabrina eyes drop. "Well maybe we could do something tonight?" She smirks.

James smiles and nods. "Of course babe. Tell you what, why don't I pick you up at 7 and we can have dinner with the families?

Sabrina's eyes light up. "Oh, that sounds interesting." She says. "I'll ask mine if they're free, and you ask yours."

James nods. "Deal.

Sabrina puts the laptop on the floor and rolls over on top of him, her bare chest against his, The contact of his warm skin pressed against hers, making them both feel extra warm.

"And then after we can come back here and..." she trails off, biting her bottom lip and smirking. This makes James feel his little thing grow, which Sabrina felt under her.

"Or we could do it now?" James suggests.

Sabrina rolls off of him and off the bed, laughing. "Sorry baby, I have to go."

James widens his eyes. "Babe bu-wha!" He lifts his hands up and motions towards his area.

Sabrina smirks. "Sorry." She laughs.

James sighs and closes his eyes. "Okay. It's fine."

Suddenly he felt hair brushed up against his area. He looks down and sees Sabrina looking up at him and grinning, her mouth just inches away from his mini him. James smiles and closes his eyes.


Sabrina walks into her house, ready to start her day at 8:00am. She walks into the kitchen, where she sees Sarah sitting at the table on her phone.

"I saw you were with James." She says, without looking up from her phone.

Sabrina nods. "Yep." She says.

"You've been spending a lot of time with him." Sarah says.

"Mhm." Sabrina says while going to the fridge.

"You've hardly been home. You've cancelled some of your jobs to be with him." She says, finally looking up at Sabrina with concern.

"Because I like being with him." Sabrina exclaims. "Sarah, you don't understand, he's the first guy I've ever said I love you to and actually meant it. Like really meant it."

Sarah sighs. "But you don't have to drop everything for him. You should take time to focus on work too."

Sabrina sighs. She rests her elbows on the table and rests her head in her hands.
Sabrina thought about Sarah's words. All her life she has listened to them, her mom, dad, sisters, everyone else but herself, telling her what to do and answering things she never asked. Now she wanted to just stop listening to what everyone else is telling her to do and just do what SABRINA wants.

She gets up and walks upstairs, leaving Sarah alone in the kitchen.


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