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"Are you ready?" James asks Sabrina as they pull up in front of the house that the high school reunion party is in.

Sabrina nods. "As I'll ever be. Are you ready?"

"I am. And Sabrina, they'll love you." He says. He sees Sabrina's worried expression and places his hand on her thigh. Sabrina looks up at him and her scared look disappears and instead she smiles. She leans over the seat in the car and places her lips on his, as he does the same.

James gets out and runs to Sabrina's side, being the good man he is and opens the door. She gets out and he closes it.

They are both dressed in casual attire. Nothing really fancy.

James wraps his arm around Sabrina and leads her to the front door. Someone opens it before they even try the doorknob. He is a somewhat skinny guy with black hair and glasses.

"Oh shit! You came!" The guy exclaims, holding up his bottle. "James what's good dude?!"

James smiles and steps inside, leading Sabrina in too.
"Cole my dude how've you been?"

Cole nods in excitement. "It's been good!"

"And who's your friend?" Cole asks, looking at Sabrina. He squints at her, like he's trying to remember something.
"Wait, have I seen you from somewhere?"

Sabrina and James look at eachother, Sabrina begins to look worried again. James squeezes her hand in comfort.

"Ah well." Cole laughs. "It's nice to meet ya anyway..." he waits for Sabrina to say her name.

"Sabrina." She replies.

"Sabrina, nice to meet you Sabrina."

"Sabrina is my girlfriend." James says to Cole. "And Sabrina this is my old high school buddy Cole." He says to Sabrina.

Sabrina and Cole exchange greeting and Cole disspears into the house. James holds Sabrinas hand and they walk into the moderately giant house, filled with a few hundred people.

"Who's house is this?" Sabrina asks James, while looking around.

"Lizzie Gomez." James answers.

"Oh Lizzie Gomez!" Sabrina exclaims. "Who is she?"

James smirks at her jokey tone. "She was also in our grade. I remember her having a few parties here and there."

They walk into the living room where most of the people are. A few heads turn their way and a few people start whispering quietly to one another.

A girl with mahogany hair and glasses walks up to them.

"Hi James, glad you could make it." She says to James. "Aren't you Sabrina Carpenter?" She asks.

Sabrina smiles politely. "Yeah that's me."

Her eyes widen slightly. "Oh wow! Uh, big fan, I love your music." She says. "Anyway, I'm Lizzie, nice to meet you. Have a good time at this party."

"Sorry, I'm a hugger." Sabrina laughs. Lizzie laughs too and they hug.

"You're just the nicest!" Lizzie says. "Okay, well, enjoy the party!" She smiles and walks away.

James turns to Sabrina. "See? They love you!" He smiles.
Sabrina smiles back.


So far, nothing has gone wrong. A few people came up to Sabrina, fans, asked for pictures and what not, but most people just were trying to have a good time. She met a few people that weren't fans and made some friends.

Exhale - Sabrina CarpenterWhere stories live. Discover now