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James looks at the ring and smiles. He's sitting on his bed about to get ready for his date with Sabrina where he will give it to her.


Sabrina wants to look extra beautiful for James tonight. She doesn't know why though, except for the fact that he's James and looking beautiful for him and herself needs no explanation, something is telling her to so she goes with it.

She does her make up, puts in a nice pair of earrings that James bought her, and puts on a light blue dress that she saw someone tag her in on twitter, they said she would look great in it and she actually loved the dress so much she bought it. It's elegant but sexy at the same time, and not only does she love it but she hopes James will too.

Before she put on her dress, she noticed a little visitor had arrived this month. She was very disappointed because she and James had planned to have sex tonight.

"Wow Sabrina, you look beautiful!" Sarah says from the doorway, smiling.

She turns around. "Thanks Sarah." She grins. "I hope James thinks so too."

Sarah laughs. "James thinks you're beautiful no matter what you wear. You could have just jumped in a pile of cow shit and he would still think you're beautiful."

Sabrina giggles. "That's true." She sighs. "Damn I love him so much. I would spend the rest of my life with him."

Sarah smirks but Sabrina doesn't see because she runs to the window. She sees James' car and she grins.

"He's here." She squeals. She puts on her heels and Sarah walks downstairs and flings open the door.

"Sabrina is very eager to see you." She says to James. James smiles, looking nervous.

"Hey, don't be nervous." She smiles.

"Why would he be nervous?" Sabrina says behind Sarah, smiling and confused, as James steps inside the house.

He stops in his tracks when he sees Sabrina and his eyes almost pop out of their sockets and his mouth flies open. He's speechless.

"My God." He manages to say.

Sabrina smiles and blushes, looking down. "Do I look okay?"

James can barely nod because he's in shock by her beauty. He manages a slow nod. Sabrina steps towards him and wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him. He wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her closer. They pull apart slightly, now staring into each others eyes with complete and utter love and admiration.

James' heart and Sabrina's heart explode in a fast pace of heart beats. Anyone could tell they are mad for eachother, even the worlds dumbest dumby could tell.

"Well, you crazy kids have fun." Sarah says, ushering them out the door.
"See ya." She says, closing it.

James takes Sabrina's hand and smiles and she smiles too. They walk to his car.


James and Sabrina pull up outside Papilles. He finds a place to park stops the car.

James is really nervous. He was only giving her a promise ring, but it felt like a lifetime commitment to him. He no doubt wants to do this, but he's scared Sabrina won't.

"You okay babe?" Sabrina looks at him, softly smiling. She places her hand in his.

James shakes out of his daze and smiles at Sabrina and nods. He's still a little nervous though.

She leans over and kisses him.

"I love you." She smiles.

He returns the smile. "I love you too." He says. "So much."

Exhale - Sabrina CarpenterWhere stories live. Discover now