Chapter 1: Fresh Start

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People are whizzing past me as I stand in the middle of the airport. Important looking business men shuffle through the crowd and women are dragging their kids behind them trying to get to their flight on time. I've always liked to watch people in crowds like this. I wonder where they're going and what their story is. Sometimes I like to make up my own story for them to make it more interesting. For example, there's a man standing off to the side looking around nervously and holding a beautiful bouquet of daisies. He's fidgeting with a ring on his left hand and keeps looking towards the arrival gate. I think about how his wife has probably been away on a business trip in, let's say, Germany, and he's missed her terribly so he called her everyday to check in. This is the longest they've been away from each other in the 6 years they've been together. He got her her favorite flowers and wore a blue shirt because that's her favorite color. Next thing I know his face lights up with a big smile and he runs up towards a beautiful blonde woman, who is also smiling ear to ear. They hug for a few seconds and he hands her the daisies which makes her even happier. He grabs her suitcase and they walk out looking all giddy and adorable. After this I think about how they'll go to a nice fancy dinner and talk about her trip to Germany and how much they missed each other. Gosh, I'm such a hopeless romantic dork, it even makes me want to throw up. I finally get out of my own head and push my way through the crowd towards the exit. As I'm about to get my phone out to text Gray, I hear his familiar dorky voice call my name.

"Ellie belly! Hey over here!"

Of course he had to call me by that embarrassing nickname he gave me when we were little. I go to him and he gives me a big hug, almost suffocating me.
"Okay okay I can't breathe!" I yell into his chest. This only made him squeeze me harder. After he releases me from his death grip, I finally get a good look at him. He looks older since the last time I saw him. He grew out his beard and stopped wearing his ridiculous offensive shirts.

"Where's your 'chick magnet' shirt at?? Finally trade it in for a big boy button down?" I tease.

"Ha ha very funny. I didn't give it up willingly, but Emery hated it. There was a ceremonial burning actually. I cried for 4 days after it."

I lightly punch his arm and say,"Shut up you're such a dork, Gray. Who's this unlucky Emery girl? Did you finally find a girl who wasn't repulsed by you?"

"Repulsed is a bit of an overstatement, I'd say they just had bad taste. But to answer your slightly offensive question, yes, Emery is my girlfriend and I'm excited for you to meet her. Now can we please get out of here and get some food my stomach is about to eat itself."

"Ew, okay but only if we get pizza."

Grayson thinks for a second and then replies, "Deal. Now come to my trusty steed, also known as, my baby, also known as, my 1987 Chevy masterpiece."

I roll my eyes and follow him out of the airport. I'm glad that we aren't awkward around each other. I was worried that since we haven't seen each other in about two years, that it would be weird between us, but luckily our bond was still there. We've always been close even though he's six years older than me, he never saw me as his annoying little sister. He always supported me and stood by me through everything. I'm mad at myself for shutting him out these past couple of years because he would have understood and been there for me. I wouldn't have allowed him to though.
He seems happy. I hope some of that happiness will rub off on me because lord knows I need it. That's one of the main reasons I wanted to move to New York. I hoped that a big change like this would do me good and I really just wanted to have Grayson in my life again.
We finally make it to his truck and he looks at it and then looks at me for approval.

"Wow it's...nice?" I say unsure.

"Nice?! Are you kidding? She's a beauty and if you disrespect Goldie again, she won't take your ass anywhere again." Gray says jokingly, but kind of seriously, I think.

"Oh wow, my bad sorry, Goldie. Also Goldie? Really? You gave your truck an old lady name?"

"You're really testing me, Ellie Belly I'll take you right into that airport and send you on the next flight back to Oregon."

"Okay okay geez," I put my hands up in a surrendering position, "Let's go and if you don't stop calling me Ellie Belly, I'll make sure Goldie never sees the light of day ever again."

"Duly noted." He replies.

We hop into the truck and Grayson peels wheels out of the parking lot. Oh boy, should I be regretting this?

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