Chapter 11: Green

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"So how are you holding up?" Will asks while staying focused on the road.

"I'm totally fine." I say more confidently than I feel.

I look down and instinctively rub my wrist where there's a prominent purple bruise in the shape of that man Rick's hand. I hadn't even noticed it until this morning. Will sees me do so, and I see his lips turn down in a slight frown. I don't feel like talking about this, so I quickly change the topic.

"I brought the sketches. They're a little sloppy since I did them super early this morning, but they should do. I'm not really a morning person, actually. It's too chirpy for me with all the light and birds singing and shit. Well I don't really hear many birds here because of the blaring car horns and endless noise. I'm definitely not used to that yet. Like why is everyone so loud here? What's blowing your horn every two seconds gonna help? And don't even get me started on how rude-" What am I saying? I am internally and probably physically cringing so hard right now.

I stop myself and chance a look over a Will, who is just looking at the road with an amused look on his face. Whenever I feel awkward I tend to just spew words. Usually I'm better at controlling it, but apparently not around him.

"Oh don't stop on my account. I'm actually enjoying how fast you switch from topic to topic. It's quite amazing actually." He says with a little grin plastered on his beautiful face. I mean seriously how is someone this attractive? It's so not fair to all of us regular looking people.

"Sorry." I mumble out and choose to look out the window so I don't have to look at his stupid grin.

He lets out a soft chuckle and gently stops the car at a red light. Out of my peripheral vision I see his hand start to reach in my direction. I tear my eyes from the window to see that he's reaching into my lap where the folder with the sketches are. His hand gently grazes my leg in the process and I can immediately feel goosebumps throughout my whole body.

What the heck, Nora, control yourself.

He looks up at the light to make sure it's still red, and opens the folder. I can't fully see his reaction behind his dark sunglasses, but I think he looks impressed with my drawings. I hear him let out a soft whistle before he starts talking.

"Damn these are really good. Where did you learn to draw like this?" He says as he still scans the papers.

"Green." I state.

"Huh?" He looks up at me, his face contorted with confusion.

"The light is green, genius." I say with a sweet smile even though my tone is sarcastic as ever. 

"Oh, shit." I hear him mumble as he quickly steps on the gas. He didn't look before doing so, and nearly hits a man who was walking across the road which then makes him slam on the brakes. I prepare myself for the jolt, but his arm flies out in front of me and protects me from flying forward.

The man starts dramatically throwing his hands in the air and lets out a string of curse words towards us. Will shouts out a quick apology, and gently steps on the gas this time. I can also hear the cars behind us blaring their horns, and I can't help but laugh at all the commotion.

"For an officer of the law, you sure do drive recklessly." I finally manage to blurt out after I'm done with my laughing fit.

He shoots me a dirty look before he says in exasperation "In my defense he shouldn't have been walking across the road when the light was green!"

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