Chapter 4: Happy Birthday

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I wake up on the most dreadful day of the year: my birthday. I'm not really sure why I hate my birthday so much, maybe it's because I hate attention. I don't like having people spend money on me and the thought of having a whole day where people's main focus is me, was unsettling. Okay, so maybe I do know why I hate my birthday.
I plan to go about my normal routine, when Grayson pops into my room.

"Heyy little sis, so I know you hate your birthday. I won't say happy birthday, but just know I'm having a small get together tonight to celebrate. Ha ha okay I'm heading out-"


He looks at me sheepishly and says " I know I know, but I just couldn't help myself. You deserve to have a celebration, and plus you'll get to finally meet my friends. So really it's not even about you, maybe I just wanted to hang out with my homies."

"Well I'm not going." I state.

"And what are you going to do instead? Sit in your room while there's a party going on out here?"

"Yes. That's exactly what I'm going to do."

"Look," he sighs, "just come for an hour. That's it. If you hate it then you can leave, but I think you'll have fun."

"Ugh, fine! Only because there will be snacks." I say defeated.

"Alright! I'll tell Emery. She's really excited for this, she started planning weeks ago. Also there's a package out here from Liam."

I hop out of bed and trudge my way into the living room where Liam's package is. I hope he didn't go overboard, I'll have to kick his scrawny ass. I tear it open and the box is filled with acrylic paints, oils, chalk, and every charcoal pencil imaginable. There's a card at the bottom that says "Happy Birthday Nora! The world is your canvas." I hold back tears as I read the card. He knows me so well, and I'm so glad to have him in my life. I hate receiving gifts, but this was so sweet I couldn't help but love it.
I get my phone out to send Liam a text.
"Thank you for the gift. You almost made me cry, you ass."

"I'm going to ignore the ass part since it's your birthday. Love you bunches Nora.<3"

The day is dragging on. To pass time I start working on my art show piece with the new supplies. I must have been at it for hours because when I look at the clock it's already seven. Emery bursts into my room with a bag.

"Happy birthday, Nora!" she squeals, "I know you're not fond of your birthday, but I just had to get you something."

"Emery, you didn't have to-" I start.

"Non-sense! I wanted to. If it makes you feel better I didn't spend anything, it's actually something that used to be mine."

I open the bag, and pull out a beautiful emerald green dress. It's silk with a halter top that ties around the neck and pleated skirt.

"Wow, Emery it's beautiful," I gasp.

"I bought it a while ago and never wore it. I thought the green would go perfect with your red, curly hair and bring out your green eyes." She states confidently.

"I love it, I just don't know when I'd wear something so beautiful."

"You can wear it tonight, silly. Now go get ready, I have to do the finishing touches out there."

Before she walks out I stop her and say, "Thank you so much, Emery. You didn't have to go through all this trouble. I really appreciate it."

She smiles at me and pulls me into a hug. "You deserve a night that's all about you. You're amazing, Nora. Let everyone see you shine."

After she walked out, I decide that I better get ready. I have paint all over me and my hair looks like a rat's nest, so I jump in the shower. When I get out I put the beautiful dress on and attempt to put on some makeup. I leave my hair down so it can finish drying.
I take a look in the mirror and I don't hate myself. I actually don't hate the way I look! If this were a few months ago, I would've looked in the mirror and cried over how disgusting I thought I was. But tonight, there are no tears, just a genuine smile. This birthday is going well, maybe all birthdays aren't bad.
I finally gain the courage to go out to the party, and wow did Emery do good. She hung pretty fairy lights everywhere and there was a huge table full of all sorts of food. There was music playing softly in the background. There had to have been at least 40 people here, I thought Grayson said it would be a small get together. Everyone turns to look at me and they all start clapping and cheering. Grayson comes up to me with a big goofy grin on his face.

"Well everyone this right here is my baby sister Nora!" He announces as they continue to clap.

I look around nervously and try not to look awkward, so I just stand there smiling and wave to everyone. After a few seconds everyone went back to what they were doing before I came out.

"Gray what the hell I thought you said this would be a small party?!" I whisper yell at him.

"This IS small, Nora. Just have some fun you'll be alright I promise." He whispers back.

I walk away from him and go towards the table of food. As I'm walking I trip over my heel and bump into someone. Ugh I knew it was a bad idea to wear heels, but my sneakers didn't look right with the dress. I look up to see who I bumped into and wow this is not what I was expecting at all.

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