Chapter 3: Art In The Making

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I spent a few days unpacking and trying to settle in. Emery even took me out to give me a tour of Brooklyn while Gray was working. She showed me all the important spots to go and the ones to avoid and explained the best subway routes. Today is the first day that I'm going out alone, and it feels good. As I'm walking to the local coffee shop, my phone starts to ring. I look at who the hell would be calling me and I am relieved to see that it's Liam.
Liam and I have been best friends since elementary school. One day when evil Sydney Smith wouldn't stop teasing me about my red hair, Liam told her she looked like a slimy frog and said to leave me alone or he'd tell everyone she ate flies. She left me alone after that and Liam and I were inseparable since then. I was the first person he came out as gay to in middle school and I helped him tell his parents. In turn he helped me get through my dad's funeral. We had each other's backs always and I wouldn't trade him for the world. He was the one who actually encouraged me to come to New York.

"Liam! Oh my god I miss you so much I could die!" I scream into the phone as people around me turn to look.

"Mhm and why haven't I gotten a single call from you? I was beginning to think you forgot about me, but then I remembered that it's impossible to forget me so I just settled on you being a bitch." I could practically see the annoyed face he probably has right now.

"I'm sorry I've been driving myself crazy with unpacking and getting used to living in a city, which by the way, are all cities this crowded? I can't even hear myself think, I kinda love that though."

"I'll accept your apology, but only this one time because you're so cute when you talk about the city. Now tell me, any hot guys? How's your brother, is he single by chance? Give me all the details right now."

We chat for a while and I realize how much I've missed Liam already. How am I supposed to go so long without seeing him? He's supposed to go to Pratt Institute for film production in the fall, but that's still a couple months away. I always admired how Liam knew what he wanted to do and did everything he could to achieve his dream of being a film director.
Just as we are about to say our goodbyes and hang up Liam says,"By the way your birthday present should be there any day. OkaybyeNoraloveyousomuch!"

Before I could even get a protesting word in, he hangs up. He knows how much I hate my birthday, that little shit. I almost forgot that it is this weekend. I hope Gray and Emery don't know because I know they'd make it a big deal. I'm only turning nineteen, its not even a cool birthday.
As I'm walking and thinking of how much birthdays suck, I see a poster on a window of an art gallery called "New Perspective Art Gallery". It says that there will be an open art show and they are still accepting artwork. This could be a really good opportunity to get my art out there and maybe make some extra money. I decide to go in and check it out.
I'm greeted by a tall older woman, she looks to be in her late fifties. She has brown hair that is graying, and she's wearing long floral dress that has paint splatters on it.

"Hello I'm Rosa Evans. I'm the owner of this establishment. Can I help you?" She asks me with slight annoyance in her tone.

"Oh uh yes," I stutter, "I'm interested in the art show you have coming up and I was wondering if you're still accepting artwork?"

She looks me up and down, and stops to think for a second. Okay, kind of rude I think to myself.
Finally she says, "Yes, I am. I usually only take professionals, but I suppose I can spare a second to look at your work."

How does she know if I'm a professional or not? Do I really look unprofessional? Before I start to spiral into my insecurities, I hand her my sketchbook that carry everywhere with me. She looks at me with judgement in her eyes. As she flips through my water color sketches, I nervously stand there waiting to hear the verdict.

"Your stuff is good. Can you do better?" She asks bluntly.

"Uh yes? Sure." Ugh so not confident Nora what the hell.

She looks at me for a second and then says, "Fine. You can bring one piece, and it has to be your best piece yet. Bring it in the day before the show so we can get it set up. I hope you know what you're doing,-?" She pauses for me to tell her my name.

"Eleanora Parker. I liked to be called Nora though." I state.

"Okay, Eleanora, I look forward to seeing what you've come up with."

And with that I turn on my heel and walk out the door. I'm not totally sure what just happened, but I am excited to show off my art finally. I hope I don't mess this up.

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