Chapter 6: New Home, New Therapist

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For the first time in a long time, I actually enjoyed my birthday. I danced and sang with Gray and all of his friends until almost four in the morning. I am so very happy I didn't drink at all last night because judging by how well Gray is doing, I would have a mean hangover. He's currently downing a few Advil.

"Good morning, Gray!" I make sure to say extra loud.

He scowls at me and says, "If you shout any louder I will actually smother you with a pillow."

"Awee someone's hungover and grumpy," I pout at him and say, "poor baby if only someone had stopped you on your seventh beer."

He throws a pillow at me and it hits me directly in the face. I pick it up and throw it right back at him, but he dodges it and flips me the middle finger. I roll my eyes and go to the kitchen to get some coffee. Emery is in here cleaning up the remains of last night.

"Good morning! Did you have fun last night?" She says excitedly.

Only Emery could be this chipper after a night of partying.

"I did. Thank you so much again, it felt nice to let loose for once." I reply to her.

"Of course! We should have another get together soon. All of Grayson's friends loved you."

I smile at her and say, "Yeah that'd be really nice."

After a few minutes of chatting with Emery, I decide to work on my art show piece a little before I have to leave for my therapist appointment. My therapist back at home, Jane, recommended me to someone here in Brooklyn. Her and I were going to try phone sessions, but I thought it'd be better if I had someone to talk to in person.

I scheduled my first session for today, and I'm a little nervous. I've never been good at opening up to people. I've built so many walls up these past couple of years, it's like trying to punch through bullet proof glass to get me to open up about anything.

I push the anxiety out of my head, and focus on painting. Painting and drawing have always been an escape for me. It's my way of releasing all of the negative energy I have pent up inside. There's something about having a brush in my hand and an empty canvas in front of me that refreshes me.

A few hours flies by and I realize I have to go. I throw on some clothes that don't have paint all over them, and head out the door. A subway ride and short walk later, I'm standing outside a big building that says "Psychiatric Care Facility." I take a deep breath and head in.

I sign in and am given a bunch of annoying forms to fill out, so I spend about fifteen minutes filling everything in. Finally I hear the receptionist call my name. I stand up and she leads me down a short hallway to right outside a doorway.

"He's expecting you just head right in." She says. I thank her and she walks away.

I walk in to a big, open room with a couch and chairs in the middle. There's a desk to the side which is where I see a younger man drop a cup of coffee on the floor.

"Oh fuck me." He says to himself.

I can't help but chuckle which makes him notice me standing there. He rushes over to greet me.

"Haha sorry bout that I'm a dumbass," he states bluntly, "I'm Andrew, nice to meet you. You're Eleanora right? Jane referred you to me?" He asks me.

"Yep that's me. You can call me Nora though." 

"Awesome. Have a seat, Nora, any seat."

I sit down on the leather couch and nervously bite my nails, a nasty habit I can't help.

"So I figure we should start out light and just get to know each other a little bit before you tell me all your darkest secrets. How does that sound?"

I like how blunt he is. He's a lot different than some of the other therapists I've had. They were like robots that could only say, "and how does that make you feel?"

"That sounds perfect for me." I answer with a smile.

We spend the hour just getting to know each other with basic questions. Before I know it, it's time to go.

"Well that's all the time we have today, Nora. I'll see you same time next week?" He asks.

I nod my head and exchange goodbyes. I walk out of the building feeling hopeful. Andrew and I seem to be a good match. I think I'll be able to open up and I'm curious to see what advice he gives me.

I walk down the street towards the subway. As I'm about to walk past an alley way, I hear a man yelling. I quickly avoid being seen and peek my head out too see what's going on.

"Where's the rest of it?! I told you what would happen if you screwed me over!"

Oh no what did I just stumble into?

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