Chapter 13: The Art Show

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I've been pacing the length of my room for the past half hour. I'm pretty sure I've made a permanent indent in the flooring where my feet have continuously walked back and forth. It's the night of the art show and I could not be more anxious. My hands have been shaking all day and my heart feels like it could leap out of my throat at any given second.

I've been ready for about an hour now because I decided to get ready three hours early. Why? I have no idea. Hopefully I look professional enough to please Ms. Evans. I decide to halt my pacing for a second to inspect myself in the mirror again for the hundredth time now.

I chose to go with a simple black dress embellished with frilly short sleeves and a v-neck that showed just the right amount of cleavage. It was flowy so I didn't feel like I was wearing a second skin, but clung to my body in all the right places. I don't own much jewelry mainly because I'm afraid I'll lose it or something, so I just threw on a dainty, silver necklace with a beautiful sun charm dangling on it. For shoes I went with my black Doc Martens, which I know are maybe a bit unprofessional, but so is tripping which is what would happen all night if I wore heels.

Emery came in earlier and helped me with my makeup and hair, and she did a really great job. My makeup is pretty natural, but I have a red lip to make it a little more glam. As for my rat's nest of hair, Emery managed to coax it into a sleek low bun right at the nape of my neck.

I look good.


Ugh. I need to get out of here, I'm going to lose my mind. I'm supposed to be there at six and it's about five-thirty. That's close enough, I've been waiting all day.

I walk out to the living room and look around for Gray. I don't see him anywhere, but Emery is putting on her earrings in a mirror that's by the door. She sees me in the reflection so she offers me a warm smile and turns around.

"Nora you look stunning!" She exclaims as she hustles over to me to give me a hug.

"Thank you, but you literally look like a model who just stepped off the runway." I say as she releases me from her embrace.

She really does, I wish I looked half as good as her. Her shiny, raven hair is pin straight and as perfect as ever. Her icy blue eyes are complimented by the fit and flare, sky blue dress she's wearing, and her strappy heels gives her small stature some height.

I inwardly sigh at the fact that people this perfect exist in the world.

"You're too sweet, Nora!" She says, bringing me back to the world.

"Where's Gray at? I thought he said he would be home by now?" I ask with confusion.

"He just texted me and said he's running late at the hospital because of an emergency."

"Oh okay. That's okay the kids need their super hero doctor!" I joke, even though I just got ten times more anxious. I need Gray tonight, he's what is going to calm me down tonight and give me a sense of comfort.

Come on Nora, don't be selfish. He's literally helping sick kids and your whining about an art show. First world problems.

"Hey," Emery reaches to put a comforting hand on my shoulder, "He'll make it. Don't worry. Plus I'll be there, and I'm arguably way better than him."

We both chuckle and I'm appreciative of her lightening the mood.

"Now let's get out of here. I'm so excited to see your painting!" She lets out a little squeal, as she loops her arm around mine and we head towards the door.

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