Chapter 5: Dreamboat

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The person I bumped into turns out to be a very tall, handsome man wearing a light blue button down shirt with black slacks. He has dark hair that is perfectly swept to the side with just a few strands brushing his forehead. His eyes are a dark, somber blue with long eyelashes that curl up towards his eyebrows. His face is clean shaven so I can see he has dimples that frame his beaming smile. I have never seen such a perfect smile. I can also see the beginning of a tattoo on the side of his neck that disappeared under his shirt collar.
He clears his throat, bringing me out of my obvious trance. I realize I have been staring at this man for far longer than what's acceptable. He must think I'm a total creep.

"Hey, Nora, right?" He asks me.

"I um--yes sorry I didn't mean to bump into you. These stupid heels were not a wise idea for me, which you'd think I would learn by now that heels are definitely not for the uncoordinated. Who even made heels a thing? I would love to talk to them and give them a piece of my mind" I pause and realize that I have just totally been rambling. He has an amused look on his face.

"Oh wow I'm sorry, I'm rambling. What's your name?" I ask him.

"Will Sinclair," he states with a smirk, "I'm a friend of Grayson."

"Well it's nice to meet you, Will. I'm Nora--but you already know that, sorry." I chuckle nervously. Real smooth, Nora. My social awkwardness is at its peak.

"So I believe this party is for you," he swiftly changes the topic, "Happy birthday."

"Oh thank you. I didn't know Gray and Emery were going to do all of this. I'm not usually a big party person."

He quickly glances around and then whispers to me, "Can I let you in on a little secret?"

I nod. I'm curious as to what he's going to say.

"I hate parties," he says, "Grayson always ends up dragging me to them, but he's a little scary so I just go along with it. One time I tried to say no, and he threatened to release a flock of geese into my house." He says with a slightly fearful look.

"Geese?" I question obviously confused.

"Yes. They're the devil in disguise."

"What's a goose ever done to you?" I say sarcastically.

"It's a very long, and embarrassing story. It still haunts me to this day. Long story short, a goose stole my girlfriend and my pride" He looks seriously at me for a second, and then a smile creeps up on his face.

"Oh my gosh I thought were serious!"

"I'm sorry you should have seen your face. You really shouldn't be so gullible," he laughs for a second and then says, "I actually am afraid of geese, just for a different reason."

"Wow this is so not where saw this conversation going." I say as I chuckle.

I see Grayson walking over to us, so I make room for him to join us.

"Well, it looks like you've had the pleasure of meeting William. Isn't he a total dreamboat?" He says fluttering his eyelashes at Will, which in return gets him a punch to the arm by Will.

"Ouch," Gray says with a betrayed look, "I thought we had something special, man."

"Wow bromance of the century," I say jokingly, "how do you guys know each other?"

Will was the one to respond. "I'm a detective for the NYPD, and I worked his case about a year ago."

"His case?" I asked worriedly. Gray never said anything about it.

"There was a bunch of robberies around my old place, someone broke in and some of my stuff got stolen," Gray tries to play it down, "It was no big deal. Will being the hero he is, caught the guy and I got everything back."

Will must see the worried look I still have on my face because he says, "It really was nothing, just a random guy looking for money to spend on drugs."

"Well I'm glad that you caught the guy. Grayson never told me about this." I shoot a disapproving look at Gray.

"Sorry," Gray says, "I knew you'd get all worried, and I didn't want to stress you out more."

Just as I was about to say something, Will's phone rings. He answers it, his face grew more and more serious. After he mumbles a few 'okays' into the phone, he hangs up.

"That was work, I gotta go," he says hurriedly, "It was really nice to meet you, Nora."

He says a quick goodbye to Gray, and walks out the front door in a hurry.

"I wonder what that was about." I say with my curiosity growing.

"I don't know, but what do ya think? Hm? Do I sense love?" Gray continues on, "You know he's only 24. That's not too old for you. I draw the line at 25 though, you hear me?"

I roll my eyes at him, "Oh, shut up. I don't know the guy, I was just trying to be friendly and mingle."

"Mhmm I'm sure. Anyway I'm going to turn the music up. I want to dance, you should dance too. Let loose little sis, get a drink, and have some fun."

And with that, he walks away and did indeed turn up the music. He grabs Emery by the waist and twirls her around to dance with him. Their laughter fills the room, and everyone else starts to follow their lead and dance. They all look so carefree and joyous.

Oh, what the hell, I might as well join them. This is my party after all.

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