Chapter 30

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Her phone is suddenly ringing. She never feels so grateful to a phone call before. "I need to take that...", Sooji takes her phone from her purse. Mom?

"Hello...", Sooji picks it up.

"Where are you? Why aren't you home yet?", Sooji could hear her Mom worried tone

"I am at the nest...with Shihyun..."

"He's back already?"

"Yeah...he's just back today..."

"Let me talk to him..."

"Why?", Sooji asks suspiciously. This must have something to do with her sickness.

"I know you can't tell him about your let me talk to him..."

"I'll talk to him later..."

"As your doctor, I have an obligation to tell the patient's guardian about their condition...", her mom says seriously.

"But you're my guardian Mom..."

"As a married woman...your guardian is your as your doctor, I have an obligation to tell him...give this phone to him..."

"Fine...", Sooji sighs and gives her phone to Shihyun. She really didn't have a choice. Because if she didn't give her phone to him, her mom will call him herself.

"What is this?", Shihyun whispers and takes her phone.

"My mom wanted to talk to you..."

Shihyun frowns. It seems like he's going to get scolding from his mother in law.

"Hello, Mom...", Shihyun greets Sooji's mother politely.

Sooji smiles hearing him call her mother, Mom. Sooji doesn't know what they're talking about, Shihyun just says yes and smiles. But a minute later his smile flatter.  And Sooji feels so nervous. Her mom must be telling him about her condition. After what feels like forever, Shihyun finally puts down her phone.

"Shihyun ah...", Sooji calls his name slowly. But he doesn't respond. "Shihyun ah...", she touches his hand. But Shihyun still stays frozen. "Shihyun ah...please say something...", Sooji pleads desperately.

"Huh...", Shihyun finally snaps back from his thought and turns to look at Sooji. She looks really anxious. He slowly put his hand above her left chest. He just really needs to feel her heartbeats.

"I am sorry...", Sooji mumbles.


"I shouldn't give you this broken heart...", she smiles bitterly. Her heart is broken. Literally.

"Don't say might be not perfect...but it's not broken...", Shihyun closes his eyes. "Please...don't stop beating...", he whispers. He doesn't even know if he is begging or praying.

Sooji can hear the desperation in his voice. It must be hard for him. Sooji saw it herself, how broken he was when his mother died.

Shihyun opens his eyes slowly and looks at Sooji. "At least not till you're old and wrinkled...", he adds.  Shihyun doesn't want her worried about how he feels. She has enough to worry about.

"Yaaa!!!", Sooji hits him playfully.

Shihyun just burst out laughing. He pulls her into a hug. "I will still ask you to stay even if you're old and wrinkled...", he promises.

Sooji smiles. "Let's go home..."

"Where? Your mom's?"


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