1. Trouble

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All summer, Brett and I have been sneaking around behind Liam's back. We would go out in the middle of the night just to hang out a bit, or I would lie to Liam and say I'm gonna be with some friends from school but instead I hang out with Brett all day. Every now and then, I would tell Liam I'm hanging out with Stiles and then ask Stiles to cover for me if Liam asks. Luckily he's never asked, so I didn't have to worry about that.

And I know, I should probably tell Liam sooner or later about Brett and I... but I just can't seem to tell him. Cause, I don't think that explaining how I'm dating the guy that used to make his life miserable, and how he's changed in the past couple of months, and how we've been sneaking around behind his back for weeks while chained up to a tree is the best way of telling him.

I sigh, "You know this is all your fault right?" I ask my brother. He groans, "Lin, it was one slip up! People make mistakes all the time!" he defends. "Still your fault," I say, "Think it's been long enough?" I hear Stiles ask Scott. "Yes!" Liam says, "Hey. Trying to have an adult conversation over here," Stiles says to us from the Jeep.

I groan, trying to wiggle my way out of the chains. "Alright, you're two years older than us. And we're fine. I'm fine, to be more exact. I don't know why you chained me up with him," I say, "Just let us go," Liam tells them.

Scott sighs and walks over to the tree we were chained up to and takes out a key, "It's not that I don't trust you," Scott says

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Scott sighs and walks over to the tree we were chained up to and takes out a key, "It's not that I don't trust you," Scott says. "It's that I don't trust you," Stiles finishes, "Stiles you don't trust anyone," I tell him. "Hey, shut it before we leave you chained up for a couple of more hours," Stiles says, I roll my eyes.

"But after that last full moon..." Scott trails, "It was one slip up," Liam defends. "Slip up? A dozen calls to the Sheriff's department about a 'monstrous dog-boy running around the streets of Beacon Hills naked'. That's a slip up?" Stiles asks, "Why were you naked?" Scott asked as he looked up from the chains he was unlocking. "Yeah, why were you?" I question as well, "It was really hot out that night, okay?" Liam explains.

"Let me go," Liam begs, "Let us go," I correct my brother. "You sure you're okay?" Scott asks my brother, "It won't happen again," Liam tells him. "You're in complete and total control?" Scott asks, Liam nods. "Yeah. Complete and total," Liam says, "What about you?" Stiles asks me.

I rolls my eyes, "Yes, father," I say. "Ok, don't call me that ever again," Stiles says as the chains fall to the ground, Stiles quickly picks up the bag with the chains and we start walking over to the Jeep. I stopped midway and looked back, Liam was looking down at his hands. I knew he had a little trouble keeping in control, that's why he dug his claws into his hand. Pain keeps us human.

I'm pretty sure Liam thinks I don't know, so I'll just keep it that way. "Hurry up, little bro!" I say, he looks up and we make our way back to the Jeep.

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