2. Imposter

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"This is the one I was telling you about," Mason tells us as he takes out a huge book and starts flipping through it, "I got it from a rare book dealer in Germany. Cost me two hundred bucks, but it was totally worth it," Mason says. "You're still reading about that stuff?" My brother and I ask in unison, "I was attacked by an armor-plated giant wearing a bear skull. It left an impression. Look, look. Have you ever seen anything like this?" he asked pointing to a drawing of a Berserker.

"Uh, no. Never," Liam said, "Looks like... an armor-plated giant wearing a bear skull," I said and we continued walking to our class. "And then theres this whole section about the Nagual. Have you ever heard of the name Tezcat..." Mason said trying to pronounce the name, "Tezcatlipoca." Liam and I correct him. "No. No, never heard of him," Liam said as we went inside our classroom, we go in and I sit down directly behind where my brother was going to sit. "Take your seats, everyone" Mr. Yukimura tells everyone.

Then I noticed my brother still hasn't taken a seat, "Great," Liam says as he glances at the person next to him. I furrow my eyebrows and look who's next to him, and my eyes widen. Hayden freaking Romero. I start to laugh, and Liam glares at me. "Liam," Mr. Yukimura calls, "You're not gonna just stand there, are you?" the teacher asks.

 Yukimura calls, "You're not gonna just stand there, are you?" the teacher asks

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"Maybe," he nods as he looks around, probably to find another seat. "The whole semester?" he asks, Liam nods again "Maybe."

"Liam, have a seat," Mr. Yukimura says, Liam groans a little and sits down. I laugh quietly, as he suddenly starts to shift a little in his seat. He looks down at the chair and sees gum on his pants, I try to giggle quietly. "Lindsey? What's so funny?" Mr. Yukimura asks, I stop and clear my throat. "Uh, nothing. Sorry, go ahead. Do your thing," I apologize, he nods.

"All right, welcome to History 103," Mr. Yukimura starts, and then the class officially begins. And Liam, sat there the whole class period with gum on his pants.


After class, Liam and Mason went to the locker room so Liam could change out of his pants. I just waited outside for them, after a couple of minutes they came out. "Look, I'm not saying I believe all of it a hundred percent, but people around us seem to know things," Mason said as they came out, I quickly followed and walked next to my brother.

"Like Lydia, she knows things," Mason explains, "Dude, it's the first day at school, shouldn't you be thinking about other things like... the soccer team?" Liam asks as we stop by his locker and he motions to the soccer team passing by. "What do you think I'm gonna do? Follow them out to the field and watch them practice while I pretend to study?" Mason asks, "It's warm out. They'll probably gonna be shirtless," Liam tells him.

Mason and I look over at the team, Mason sighs. "I'll see you in Physics," Mason says, "I'm gonna go with him, ya know. Just to help... study," I shrug as I start walking away too. "Yeah, sure you will!" Liam says chuckling, I run after Mason. "Yo, Mason wait up!"

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