10. Alive Is Definitely Better Than Dead

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I was at the school with Liam and Mason, Liam was telling us about how he went out looking for Hayden. And also how he saw a giant werewolf come out of the communication towers where he actually found Hayden. "I went to the club looking for Hayden, and there's Josh. Standing there. Completely alive. Just like Hayden. Because of Theo," Liam says as we're walking through the halls, "Wait, really?" I ask.

He nods, "Theo brought them both back," Mason says. "Maybe he's building a pack because we didn't let him join ours?" I shrug, "His own pack of dead Chimeras," Mason adds.

"They both looked pretty alive to me. But they're not the same. There's something about Hayden. There's something wrong about her," Liam says, "Yeah, that's what dying does to you," Mason explains.

"Yeah, I mean... she died... then came back to life. Dying can potentially change them," I say, "What if it, what if it like darkens your soul. What if they're all evil now?" Mason says. Then the door opens and we jump from the sudden noise. We look over and see Corey, "Hey, guys!" he smiles at us.

"Are you volunteering for the library clean-up, too?" He asks.



Both boys stammer, I shrug. "Sure, why not?" I say, then we end up at the library helping out. Liam tells his best friend to talk to Corey, Mason gets a couple of books and slowly walks over to him but occasionally looking back at us unsure. "Mason, just go!" I whisper yell at him, then he finally reaches him.

"This is gonna be interesting," I say and put away books, "So, you're alive," Mason tells him. "Yeah," Corey says. Mason looks back and I shake my head while Liam has his head in his hands shaking his head as well, "That must've been pretty difficult to explain to your parents," Mason said. "Not really. They didn't notice me much before that. I think they're just glad cause they think they can sue the hospital now," Corey explains, "They gotta be happy you're alive, though?" he questions.

"Are you?"

"Me? Uh... yeah, I'm... Alive is definitely better than dead. You know, much better," Mason stutters. "You have no idea what to say to me, do you?" he asks, "Not really, no," Mason admits. "Can I ask you a question, then?" Mason nods, "Yeah, sure," he says.

"What are you doing Saturday night?" Corey asks, I smile. "Aw, that's cute," Liam rolls his eyes.


Then when everything was cleaned up, everyone was putting up the chairs on the tables. "He's leaving. What's the plan?" Liam asks, "I have a date with him on Saturday. I thought that was the plan," Mason said. "You were supposed to ask about Theo. We can't wait until Saturday," Liam says, "Sorry, but Theo leading an evil Chimera pack wasn't exactly a natural progression to the conversation," Mason says.

"Fine. I'll talk to him," Liam and I say at the same time, we both look at each other annoyed. Then we look over to see that Corey has already left, I hit my brother on the head. "Ow! What was that for?" he asks, "Because you're an idiot!" I say and roll my eyes. "Plus, I could've been with Scott and Stiles figuring other stuff out but I came here with you guys only to do some stupid clean-up and find no info about Theo and his stupid pack," I shrug and start walking out of the library.

 "Plus, I could've been with Scott and Stiles figuring other stuff out but I came here with you guys only to do some stupid clean-up and find no info about Theo and his stupid pack," I shrug and start walking out of the library

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We walked into the hallway to try and find Corey, but no luck. "Corey's not texting me back," Mason said, "Because he left with Theo" Liam said. "Are you sure?" Mason asks, "He was here," I say. "Well then, we should do something, right? We should tell someone," Mason says.

"Liam, you have to tell him," Mason tells him, "You think he'll even talk to me?" Liam asks. "You're his Beta. Doesn't he have to?" Liam sighs, "Where would I even start? 'Sorry for trying to kill you'? 'Sorry for leaving you for dead so that Theo could kill you'?" I look at Liam.

"Maybe you shouldn't start off that way," I tell my brother, "If, if you start off with sorry, the rest probably won't even matter," Mason says. "Mason is right, Liam," I say and grab his hand, he looks over at me and gives me a small smile.


Liam decided to go talk to Scott alone over at the animal clinic, so I invited Brett over. He had climbed through my window, and I instantly crashed my lips into his once he came in. "I've missed you," he tells me, I comb my fingers through his hair. "I missed you more," I say as I pull away and take off my shirt, he smirks and takes off his shirt. "How about you prove it?" I smile and jump into his arms wrapping my legs around him, he instantly grabs my butt and kisses me deeply.

 "How about you prove it?" I smile and jump into his arms wrapping my legs around him, he instantly grabs my butt and kisses me deeply

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And then one thing lead to another. We laid on my bed, my head laid on his chest as I ran my fingers on his arm, I could hear his heart beating calmly. I started feeling worried, nervous, anxious. I was thinking about Liam. What if Scott doesn't forgive Liam?

"Why are you so anxious?" Brett asked, "Huh? Me? Anxious? I'm not anxious. What makes you think that?" I ask nervously. "I can smell it on you, what's wrong? Are you worried about Liam?" I sigh and look up at him, "I'm worried that Scott won't forgive my brother," I say. "He'll forgive him. I know he will. Everything is going to turn out fine," he said, I sighed.

"I hope so..."

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