14. Stiles Saved Me

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While we tried to figure out a way to get out, Kira still had electricity around her. "I don't know how long I'm going to last," Kira said, "How did you stop it before?" Malia asked. "Scott carried me outside, which almost killed him," Kira answered, "Okay, uh... maybe we could try grounding you to something?" Malia asked.

"Do you have a degree in electrical engineering? Cause I don't know how to do that," Kira said, then Kira shoots out electricity towards Malia and I so we ducked down. "You guys have to get out of here," Kira tells us, "We can't leave you," Malia says. "I should've stayed in the desert with the Skinwalkers. I can't control this. I'm never going to be able to," Kira said, "Kira, it worked. You saw it work," Malia tells her.

"You controlled it enough to cause the brownout. You can stop it," Malia adds, "I can't!" Kira says as she looks back at us her eyes glowing. "Malia, Lin, go!" Kira yells, "We're not leaving you, Kira!" I tell her.

Electricity is still shooting out of her, then it suddenly stops. "Kira?" Malia calls out, we both stand and see Kira on the floor passed out. "Kira," Malia calls again, "Oh my god... Kira!" I slowly walk over to her and Malia follows behind me. Malia then kneels next to her and goes to check her pulse, but before she could put her fingers on Kira's neck we hear someone speak. "I wouldn't do that," I look up and see Josh standing in the doorway, "Electricity's still coming off her. I can feel it from here. I can help her," he says.

"Why?" Malia asked, "Cause I need your help. With him," Josh says then steps aside showing us Corey against the wall with burns on his skin. We reluctantly helped him put Corey on one of the metal tables, "Why isn't he healing?" Josh asks. "Maybe he can't. Maybe it's too much. Or maybe it's the pain," Malia says, then Corey groans.

"He's going to die, isn't he?" Josh asks, I nod. "Most likely," I sigh. "His heartbeat is getting slower," Malia adds, "What do we do? You can't heal him, can't you?" He asks. "No, but I can take his pain. It could help, it might even get him to start healing," Malia explains, "Then do it!" Josh urges.

"You first," Malia says, I roll my eyes. Then electricity shoots out of Kira once more,  "You said you could help her," Malia said. "Yeah, but its not like taking voltage from a car battery. She's got a lot more power than that," Corey groans, "Are you gonna do something or not?" Josh asks, I sigh.

"When you help her. I don't trust you," Malia tells him, "I don't trust you either," Josh says. "Oh my god. Just go at the same time!" I say, "All right! Fine. We go at the same time," Malia says. Josh then walks over to Kira and kneels next to her, "You ready?" Malia asks him. Josh nods, Malia grabs onto Corey's wrist. "All right, here we go," then they both go, Malia starts taking pain from Corey while Josh takes some electricity from Kira.

Then finally, Kira is up on her feet again as well as Corey. "Anybody know how we're supposed to get out of here?" Corey asks, "This place is still on lockdown," Malia says. "It's not just locked," Kira says, "Yeah, I can feel it too," I furrow my eyebrows. "The doors are electrified, nice," I sigh, "What are we supposed to do? Just wait here?" Corey asks.

"There's a plan B. We've got a guy on the outside in case this happens," Malia explained, "Who?" Corey asked. "Mason," Kira responds, Corey looks over at us. "Mason's going to unlock the lockdown?" I nod, "How's he going to do that?" Josh asks.

"He's got the blueprint of the building," Kira responds, "And he has the full map of Eichen's electrical system. All he has to do is get into the transformer shed behind the building," I explain further. Corey and Josh look at each other, "Don't worry. Mason knows exactly what he's doing," Malia says. I nod, "Yeah! I've known Mason since day one, I know he's got this," I tell them.

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