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Take a moment right now to appreciate the people in your life

Your family, your friends, your loved ones...

Now imagine that they're gone

You can't do it, can you?

You can't imagine them NOT being in your life

Why? Because they're important to you

You don't want anything to happen to them so badly that you can't even imagine them being gone

Not apart of your life anymore

Gone forever

And that you'll never see them ever again

Well, you're not alone

A lot of people are like that too

Hell, even ME

I couldn't imagine ANYTHING happening to my sisters

But, the truth is, something COULD happen to them

At ANY moment

And, when the time comes, which it will, I'll have to accept the fact

That my sisters are gone

And they're NEVER coming back

That's what I've always found strange about life

It's given to you

But then it's taken away

It's like we're being punished for living

And we're given the choice to do either good to and for the earth or not

But, no matter what choices you make in life, in the end, if you think about it

We'll still be punished and die

Whether or not you were a good person or not

But that doesn't mean that you still won't be remembered for what you did

Every choice we make each day determines our future

But it's up to us to make the right choices

If not, you'll never fulfill your dream

Yeah, sure not ALL of us will be remembered by the whole world

But ALL of us will be remembered by the people in our lives

Make the right choices, remember that you are loved, and NEVER lose sight of what's important

~The Quiet Kid

 In honor of those who lost their lives on 9/11. 


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