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I finally awoke to a dimly lit room. Across from me stood a man that I recognised from Charlie's missing posters. Riley Biers. 

"What?" I stuttered.

"She told me to wait but I couldn't resist. A mate for what you wanted least," he muttered.

"What are you-"

"You become a vampire," he answered. 

"What? No, no, no, no-" I began crawling backwards away from him.

There was nothing and then suddenly a pain. A feeling of fire spread through me. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. There was only silence. 

I awoke to a forest. It felt like I had been unconscious for years. I blinked rapidly, glancing around me. Everything was clearer, more detailed. 

How was that possible?


No, it couldn't be.

I wanted to cry.

I couldn't.

Instead, I began walking in a random direction, hoping, praying, I would come across someone to help me.

Eventually, I heard voices. I'd been dumped a little way away from where I had been taken. I began to run towards where I heard them.

I arrived at the clearing to the Cullen's house. I rushed to the door.

I was too fast.

I knocked on the door.

"Sky?" Rosalie questioned, now standing right in front of me.

"No, I'm Jesus," I quipped, despite the whirlwind of emotions I felt. 

"Someone turned you," she hissed, noticing my appearance. "Come in."

"Sky," Jasper exclaimed, rushing towards me. He grabbed my arms, taking in my appearance, "Sky..."

"Apparently Victoria wanted revenge, the absolute bitch," I muttered.

"So she turned you?" Rosalie questioned, the rest of the family having crowded round.

"Well, not her, someone else," I explained. "If I could have a panic attack I would."

"Who?" Jasper asked. 

"Riley Biers, he's her puppet or whatever."

"Have you-" Edward began.

"Eaten, no? Seen Bella, no? I literally woke up in the forest and here I am," I told. "And my throat kinda burns and I want to cry but I can't."


"I didn't want this and I know that was selfish of me to not want it when I gave you a second chance but I'm freaking the fuck out."

"Let's get you fed," Jasper spoke up, leading me out of the house. 

Complicated | Jasper Hale [OLD VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now