A story about Drunk Ralsei Part 3

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[A/N: I'm gonna include one of my OC's in this chapter cause I want to try something new to Drunk Ralsei. ~~~~So enjoy the story~~~~]

General POV
Kris has brought over a friend so him and Ralsei would get to know each other. "Hey Kris! Who have you brought over?" Ralsei asked while baking a pie in the kitchen.
"His name is Michael he's a friend of mine he'll be living with us momentarily." Kris said. "Oh ok!" Ralsei said as he put the pie in the oven to bake. "I'm making a pie right now, when it's done we can all have a piece, alright?" Ralsei said. The two agreed by nodding their heads. A little bit later Kris and Michael were playing video games. Ralsei was in his room. He was downing a whole 4 bottles of strong beer. Ralsei who's already getting drunk walked downstairs trying hard not to trip. As he made his way to the living room he chugged the rest of the beer and shattered the beer bottle. The two humans looked at the direction of the noise a drunk Ralsei clinging on the back of the sofa with a broken beer bottle in his right hand. "Ralsei are you drunk again?" Kris asked. "*Hic* N-No I'm N-Not drunk hehehehe" Ralsei said drunkly. "*Sigh* you are drunk Ralsei. How many bottles did you drink this time?" Kris asked serious. "A-about four b-bottles. *Hic*" Ralsei said.
"Four bottles?!?!" Kris yelled.
Ralsei didn't say anything but he pinned Kris to the wall by his forearms. "R-Ralsei?!" Kris said before getting kissed by his drunk boyfriend. Ralsei deepen the kiss and force his tongue to meet Kris's. Kris melting into the kiss, soon they had to break the kiss for air. "*Huff* hehehe... you're cute Kris." Ralsei said tired. Kris hugged Ralsei. "...I love you Razzy..." Kris said. "...I love you too..." Ralsei said before he passed out in Kris's arms. "Hey Michael."Kris said. "Yea?" Michael responded. "We should probably keep Razzy away from the alcohol. It's for the best for his health." Kris said. "Yeah I agree the last thing I don't want is Raz dead...he's to pure and innocent...what got him into drinking anyways?" Michael asked. "Fucking Sans got him into it. This is why I hate the Smiling Trashbag... I don't know why Toriel likes him, he's lazy and doesn't do any god damn work.." "..calm down Kris..I agree that he doesn't do work but you need to calm down." Michael said. "...anyways I'm gonna take Razzy to bed." Kris said. "Will he be ok? I'm kinda worried" Michael said. "I don't know.. the same things probably gonna happen.." Kris said. "What happened...?" Michael said. "I can't tell you..you'd freak the fuck out heh.." Kris said. "Well take him to bed, I'll probably be watching TV or something." Michael said.
Kris took Ralsei to his room and set him on the bed.
After a couple minutes of reading a book Ralsei woke up only to grown in pain.
Kris went to Ralsei. "Razzy what wrong? Are you ok?" Kris asked extremely concerned. Ralsei stayed silent before throwing up blood. Kris freaked out as he tried to find a way to help the Prince. *The door opened
"Hey Kris can I have some--- OMFG WHAT HAPPENED TO RAZZY?!?!?!??!!!" Michael yelled freaking out. "I don't know but go get a rag and some water. While I comfort Raz." Kris said. "O-On it." Mike said running out of the room to get rags and water. "...k-kris what's h-happening to me..?" Ralsei said quietly as tears fell from his eyes. "I don't know, but I think it has to do with the beer..you need to stay away from beer from now on alright?" Kris said. Ralsei slowly nodded his head yes. Mike came back with water, and a rag. Mike gave Kris the rag and put the water on the side table. Kris used the rag to wipe off the left over blood around Ralsei's mouth. Once Kris was done he gave Ralsei the water who accepted it. Ralsei put the empty cup and put it on the side table. "You must rest here, love. And don't worry I'll be here with you taking care of you..Me and Michael will take care of you. For now rest. The Prince then fell asleep without a single thought. Kris smiled and kissed his forehead. "I love you, my Prince." Kris said blushing lightly.
Kris went to the living room where Michael was. "Razzy is doing fine all he has to do is rest." Kris said. "Well we're here to take care of him right?" Mike said. "Yes we are." Kris said. "Well I have to tell Sans to NOT sell any alcohol to Razzy whatsoever." Mike said. "Please do that." Kris said as he went back to his room and cuddled up with Ralsei until he fell asleep.

[A/N: Word Count: 834]
[The longest chapter I've ever written. So the next chapter is when Kris goes and meets Core Frisk (cross overs uwu) so stay updated for that chapter. ~~Bye Bye ^w^~~]

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