Kris and Ralsei- Kris' Death Pt. 1.

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[A/N: This chapter and the second one is the only chapters that has Kris die, the others will have Kris alive since I need him for story purposes. QwQ]

As Ralsei was about to go to sleep Kris came in with a hard bottle of liquor in his right hand. "Kris why do you have alcohol?" Ralsei asked. "M-Me and S-Sans had a drinking contest hic I won." Kris said drunkly. "Why did you do that?" Ralsei asked. "Why do you think I went to Grillby's?" Kris said as he took another drink from the bottle. "Kris it's not good for you, now give me that bottle!" Ralsei said as he tried to take the bottle from Kris. "H-Hell no." Kris said as he pulled the knife from his back pocket. "K-KRIS!?!  WHY DID YOU PULL OUT THAT KNIFE!?!" Ralsei yelled. "J-Just back off ok....!?" Kris said taking another shot from the bottle. "" Kris said as he plunged the knife in his stomach area. "AHHHHHHHHHHHRGGG" Kris yelled as he felled on his knees. "K-K-KRIS?!?!!" Ralsei yelled as he ran over to Kris. ""Kris said as he bleed out on his knees. ".......i'" Kris whispered as his breathing get slower and slower. "K-Kris?!?!?!" Ralsei yelled as tears fell from his eyes. Ralsei sat there crying until he passed out. The next day he woke up on the ground, what he saw terrified him. He saw a dust pile and the bloody knife. Ralsei took the knife and put it in his robe. "I'll do anything for you Kris...if it mean I'll have to kill someone." Ralsei said emotionless. Ralsei then headed to the Dark World where Susie and Lancer were. "Hey Ralsei... where's Kris?" Susie asked. Ralsei said nothing and tried to attack Susie, he missed. "HE DIED....!!!!!" Ralsei yelled as he attacked again. Cutting Susie's arm. "Ahg!! The hell's your problem!" Susie yelled. Lancer tackled Ralsei making him drop the knife. Susie ran and grabbed the knife. "No one hurts Susie, not even Toothpaste boy." Lancer said. "Go ahead...kill me...KILL ME ALREADY..everyone is waiting for it..."Ralsei said. Susie gave Lancer the knife and hugged Ralsei. "Hey, calm down...we can talk about what happened..just please don't attack us alright." Susie said. Ralsei erupted into tears, he just cried endless tears. Susie sighed, as she picked up Ralsei and took him back to his castle. "So, Ralsei what happened to Kris. "W-well it happened at an hour ago,but as I was about to go to sleep Kris came in and he had a bottle of alcohol in his right I asked him why he was drinking it he said that him and Sans were having a drinking contest. As I was about to take the bottle from him..he pulled out the knife that they used......he then said 'just please let me die.' before he plunged the knife in his stomach area........t-then.....h...he......died....." Ralsei explained as tears fell from his eyes.

[A/N:This is a long chapter but let's say this is a part one. Don't worry I'll make part two rn. I just like cliff hangers...if this even is on QwQ]

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