Chapter 1: Crush Number One

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It was about 3 weeks into my new school and I, along with 5 other eager 8-year-olds, had found our 'crush'. Now, I use this term loosely as I have actually no idea what it implies entirely. It almost sounds as if you want to squash the person that you like! I guess you could say that I had come to the age where liking a boy was necessary in my eyes. Of course, flattery and flirting did not come naturally to me and my friends at the prime age of 8, pre-pubescent and highly unsure of what to do with our newest discovery of liking a boy. So, we put our heads and grammatically incorrect English together and we wrote him a letter. Not just any letter, a love letter.

The secret, I have discovered to writing a love letter, is to never, and I mean never sign who it is from, because who would possibly want their crush to find out who exactly had a crush on them? So, with this highly important knowledge, 5 giggling girls gathered in the storage cupboard next to our classroom to write the letter. It went a little something like this...

Dear Crush Number One,

We think you are vary funy and vary hansome

Luv  from, your Secret Admirers


As mentioned before, the names of these secret admirers, including myself, were never revealed to Crush Number One, and so ended that short but sweet theoretical romance.

Having said that, a few months after this secret operation, I was, with great excitement and jealousy from the other girls, asked to go to the school dance by Crush Number One! My reply; 'I'll think about it', because even my 8-year-old self knew that playing hard to get was the best tactic. Although, let's just say this tactic would essentially bring problems for me in the far future, problems which I could have never foreseen.

Nevertheless, I eventually, 5 minutes post question, said yes to going to the dance, and even though I can't quite remember, I'm more than positive it was a magical night!

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