Chapter 10: The Momentary Crush

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So this next crush of mine is kind of a funny story. And as mentioned, he was one whom I had feelings for at around the same time as The Emcee and another boy that we will discover later on.

I had a couple of classes with this next boy of interest, and we had many mutual friends. We however weren't really friends, more of acquaintances or just people who knew each other.
In Year 11 puberty really aided this boy because he was suddenly, in my opinion, one of the most attractive boys in my year, so of course he was on my radar.

We had French together, and I guess being the language of love, it brought us together! At first, well actually for a while, I didn't even think he knew my name but then one day I got a phone call.

One of my friends called me on one random day after school and as soon as I picked up she started rambling on in a very excited way about how he had told his best friend, who had then told her, who was now telling me that, and I quote; "he used to have a crush on you!" Now, even then I was slightly confused at why the fact that he had once had a crush on me was so exciting, but I found myself also being strangely happy and excited about the fact that I was once liked. Of course I wasn't supposed to know any of this, and he had just started dating this other girl, so it was a bit of a taboo subject. But as the story went; he had a crush on me for a couple of weeks at the beginning of year 11 but this quickly faded the night he saw his then girlfriend changing before the school fashion show that we had. So folks, when people say that looks don't count, they are clearly either deranged or lying to you. This was slightly humorous to me but also in some way kind of hurtful because any chance of this boy liking me while I liked him simply vanished at the sight of a half-undressed girl. Well I guess that's teenage boys for you. They only think with one thing.

When he retold me this story many months later I displayed my best acting and did the whole shocked voice even though I already knew! It's strangely powerful, knowing something that you're not supposed to know and then acting like you don't know.

After my crush on this boy, and him getting a girlfriend, we actually became really good friends. We texted a lot and my feelings had subsided so we were able to just be friends in a very platonic way, even though my mum is still set on the idea that we are going to get married! So that's how he gained his nickname in the book; The Momentary Crush, simply because we just became friends rather than anything else. But let's just say, spoiler alert, it was not his girlfriend that had anything to worry about.

After that summer The Momentary Crush moved to the UK to finish school there and we strangely became closer. Let's just say that long distance wasn't really treating him and his girlfriend well, and I was always there to give him my amazing advice, you know with all those successful relationships that I've had. He never listened to my advice of course.

Now it's not that I still liked him, and I knew that we were just friends, but after he broke up with his girlfriend, I found myself flirting with him and almost daring him to flirt with me. He'll probably hate me for saying this, but for some reason I almost wanted to give him a small taste of what he had missed out on.  I guess I just wanted to flirt with him and him to flirt with me but for nothing to come of it just so that he knew that he couldn't really have me, even if he didn't want me, I wanted to make him.

Around Christmas last year a group of us went for a weekend away for The Momentary Crush and another of my friend's birthday. Before I continue I should say there was a lot of alcohol involved, and we all know what alcohol can do to a person. Well, imagine the shock when even at the ages of 17 and 18 we ended up playing truth or dare. What is it with me and ending up in situations with truth or dare? I should also add that his ex was on this trip. I know, even I was very confused as to number 1 why she was invited and number 2 why she came, simply due to the awkwardness that was bound to happen. And oh, it happened. I don't want to call her a crazy ex, but I mean, she was a crazy ex.

So, truth or dare; it was his go and he was dared to kiss anyone in the circle. I'm just gonna say that there were about 7 girls, so yes there were a few to pick from, but he picked me. According to most of my friends it was a 'sign' but honestly, I think it was just because he had already kissed half of them and dated 2 of them so I was kind of just one of the last picks. Well we kissed, a very simple 'peck' so to speak, but oh this did not bode well with the ex. The night turned into a slight shit show. I mean most of us had a great time but him and the ex were nowhere to be found for the most part.

The more we drank, the more I actually wanted to kiss him, like properly. Again, it wasn't because I still had feelings for him but just because I wanted firstly to, like the Emcee, appease the fact that I once liked him, secondly to show him what he was missing and thirdly I was drunk and slightly lustful, for lack of a better word. It didn't happen, I mean I knew he would never really have the balls to do it but I wanted to see anyway.

We continued to be just friends and that's all we were, however on one night after exams were over and he was back from the UK, we ended up at a club together...

Again, there was lots of alcohol involved and The Momentary Crush and I ended up dancing together. I suddenly thought to myself 'fuck it' and so I kissed him. This time a good proper kiss, full on with all the works! So there I was in the middle of the dance floor kissing a boy whom I had once had a crush on and who was now one of my closest guy friends. I know, most people would say that kissing your friends is the worst thing to do, but do you know I think it made us closer!

It wasn't awkward, and instead we just laughed at the whole situation afterwards and gave each other pointers, so all in all I think it was quite the experience. It was a kiss that had been brewing, it was almost as if it needed to happen in order for us to move on with our lives and realise that we were just friends. Kind of like in gossip girl when Blaire and Dan kiss.

Months later and we are still good friends, granted he still rarely takes any of my advice and makes very poor life decisions. So maybe this is one of the few circumstances that has had a good ending.

Although, just like the Emcee, had I liked this boy a little more and perhaps tried a little harder, I wouldn't have found myself in the situation that will soon be explained in the next chapter...

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