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Jungkook breathed out determinedly staring at his reflection.

"He didn't say no." He smiled and walked out of his room, his schoolbag on his back.

"Mom I'm leaving!" He announced as he crouched down to put on his shoes.

"Kook!" Mrs. Jeon called out. "Baby, can you have a sleepover at Eun Woo's?" She asked walking out of her room, dressed formally for her work.

Jungkook turned around to face his mom with a pout. "Why?"

"Well we're going to have some foreign guest over at our house tonight." Mrs. Jeon pursed her lips.

Jungkook's pout grew more, out. "Business?" Mrs. Jeon just nodded at his question.

"Okay. Just no checking out my room." He warned earning a chuckle from his mom because the last time they had some "guest" at home his room was a mess, thanks to a toddler who happened to be the guest's 3-years old son.

Jungkook waved off to his mom and walked out of their residence.


"Sleep over? Bruh, I have my uncle and his 5 year old daughter at home currently. You cool?" Eun Woo asked as he joined Jungkook who was washing his hands.

Jungkook's face scrunched at the thought of the kid. After the guest kid broke his Iron Man action figure, he kind of started disliking kids. What? He's still a kid too.

"Ah nevermind. I just asked since its weekend." Jungkook backed off immediately.

Eun Woo nodded rinsing his hands. "By the way, aren't you going to that bitch?" He asked stuffing his now dried hands in his pockets.

Jungkook poked his cheek out with his tongue getting reminded of Jimin again. "Well, he fired me." He stated walking out of the washroom, Eun Woo trailing right behind him.

"You fired him?" Came a voice from one of the cubical in the boys washroom.

"I did not. I just asked him to stop being my spot boy." Jimin walked out of the cubicle. "Why does he have to put it that way?"

Taehyung snickered walking out of his cubicle joining beside Jimin to wash his hands.

"He seems too cool and tamed for someone who just got rejected hours ago." Taehyung chuckled staring at his friend's reflection who just glared at him.

"It's better than crying and nagging at me." Jimin mumbled.

"But why did he sounded like he got kicked out? I don't think the sleepover thing was genuine." Taehyung stated walking out of the washroom.

Jimin followed him out, getting lost in his own thoughts. Hearing his junior's words he kind of doubted too. Why would he suddenly ask for a sleepover when his friend isn't up for it?

"Bitch you're zoning out." Taehyung whispered standing right infront of Jimin, their face too close for Jimin's liking.

"Back off!" Jimin pushed Taehyung who just kept laughing for he knew what Jimin was zooming out for!


"Eun Woo has his uncle and a kid over at his place. Mingyu is going out on a date with his mom. What a luck?" Jungkook kept talking to himself as he sat outside the convenience store thinking of anywhere to sleep for the night.

He was so lost in his own dilemma that he failed to notice the two figure walking past him, eyeing him in confusion.

"What is he doing here?" Jimin mumbled walking inside the store.

"Hey!" Yoongi called out who was behind the counter. He noticed the two boys staring at the kid outside. "He's been there for like hours now. Do you guys know him? He has the same uniform as you guys'."

"Hours?" Taehyung blurted out, wide-eyed.

"Yeah. Also he's been zoning out." Yoongi added.

"No wonder he didn't notice us." Jimin muttered with a snicker.

"Go talk to him." Taehyung said nudging Jimin's shoulder who stared at him in bewilderment.

"You kidding me?" Jimin snorted rolling his eyes.

"I can tell he doesn't likes me. He will surely answer your questions." Taehyung blurted out.

"And why is that?" Yoongi butted in, feeling lost. "Ah~ that kid over there, he has a crush on Chim." Taehyung chuckled earning a smack from Jimin.

"Wow~ he likes you?" Yoongi diverted his attention to Jimin. "That kid must have lots of guts than."

"Go!" Taehyung pushed Jimin out before he can even protest.

Now, the small guy stood infront of the still lost boy who had his head down on the table. Jimin sighed, taking in the bunny like features of the kid.

Jimin cleared his throat to gain his attention which failed. He did it again, failed. He breathed out heavily, calming his raging nerves.

"Kid!" He called out, firmly. Jungkook slowly looked up only to be taken aback by the guy infront of him.

"J-Jimin." He stuttered, getting up from his seat.

"What are you doing here, still in your uniform? It's getting late." Jimin inquired looking right at Jungkook's dark orbs.

"Th-that I-I—" He failed badly to reason out to Jimin's questions.

"Did you get kicked out?" Jimin asked bluntly, tilting his head to the side. "Did you do something bad?"

Jungkook was taken aback severely by Jimin's recent doubt. Why the heck will I get kicked out?

He just stared at Jimin's eyes, taking in his beautiful, angelic features which was covered by a mask of a devil's. He wondered how people never took in his beautiful looks and just judged him by the false rumors.

"—at our place?" Jimin completed his sentence which Jungkook failed to take in because he was busy crushing over his crush.

"W-what?" He asked tilting his head like a little kid which kind of brought a smirk to Jimin's lips.

"I don't know what you did but you should talk it out with your parents properly and apologize." Jimin repeated again which brought a chuckle out of Jungkook's lips.

"Says the guy who never even–" Jimin cut him short which took Jungkook by surprise.

"You can have a sleepover at our place."


I'm tired(~_~メ)

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