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A splash of salt water jolt awake the unconscious guy on the chair. The cold water making chills run down his body. "Good morning Jungkook!" A shrill, over excited voice greeted him. He tried to stretch his strained muscles but found himself being restraint on a chair. He looked up to find himself in a dark room, a lone lantern illuminating the area around him. His eyes widened, his throbbing head processing his surroundings properly. In the corner of the room he found his parents and best friend laid unconscious, their arms and feet tied in a tight knot.

"Mom!" He shouted but was met by a sharp slap on his cheek. "Keep down bitch. I've heard enough!" Shi complained as she massaged her now throbbing palm. "You? What are you doing?" He shouted again out of rage. He should've never trusted her with Eun Woo. He should've been alert since their first interaction. "What do you want?" Shi rolled her eyes as she was tired of hearing the same question from 4 different people. "If i say what I want, you do it." She crossed her arms and lift her foot up to place it on Jungkook's thigh. "Leave my family and Eun Woo alone! Bitch that's your boyfriend!" Shi scoffed and pressed her foot on Jungkook's thigh making him groan in pain. "You don't tell me what to do, bitch!" She was about to spank him when the door opened and walked in both the leaders of Park and Wang clan. "Calm down daughter." Mr. Wang said as he gestured her to come to him which she obliged with a giggle.

"So he is the whore?" Mr. Wang asked as he walked towards Jungkook who was trying his best to stay strong and not be intimidated by them. It was not a daily event that you encounter real mobsters around you except for his boyfriend, who barely was interested in his clan. "What are you gonna do with him?" He directed the question towards Mr. Park, who just stood in distance examining the situation.

"Kill him after his parents and friend?" He asked as he joined Mr. Wang who had a grin on his face. Jungkook's heart started picking its pace as he heard their words. Not his parents and Eun Woo. Why are they being punished because of him? "No! Please leave them alone! You can kill me. Please, they didn't even know anything about your son..please leave them alone!" He begged as tears spilled out of his eyes. He felt helpless and he prayed to heavens for saving his family and friend. He prayed for Jimin to save him.

"Aw~ then shall we kill you first so you don't have to see them die?" Shi mocked walking over towards Jungkook's parents and kicking them. "Wake up!" She screamed by their ears which was a success at waking them up. "Mom!" Jungkook called out as panic rush through his veins. A loud shot echoed through the room, the smell of iron getting strong as Mrs. Jeon laid on the cold ground in red. A loud scream of agony was heard from Mr. Jeon. "Honey!!"

Jungkook stayed in utter silence as he stared at the pool of red fluid surrounding his mom's soulless body. Salty fluids cascading down his cheeks but before he could blink again another shot was heard, the smell of iron invading the room. Now, a chocked scream escaped from young Jeon's mouth. "Dad!!!!" He shrieked in agony and pain as his parents were shot right infront of him. At this time Eun Woo got out of his unconscious state and his eyes widened at the scenario infront of him. He felt his cheeks getting wet from the tears and some of the blood that got splashed on him.

"Oh it's my baby's turn!" Shi giggled excitedly as she loaded her gun. "No! Please, Shi! Look at me, leave him alone. You don't want me with Jimin, if you kill me..I won't be with him, anymore." Shi pouted as if she was in a deep thought and soon turned his gun towards Jungkook. "Fine! But I need to have a little fun because how dare you touch my man?!" She pulled out a knife from her bag and spun it around with her fingers. "How dare you touch my man with your filthy hands?" She cut two long strings on Jungkook's palms. "How dare you hug him with your disgusting arms?" Two longs deep strikes on both his arms. "How dare you kiss him?" A sharp strike on his bottom lips. "And how my heart shattered when I saw a hickey on your bloody neck! Now I'm gonna make it real bloody." She approached him with an evil grin with Eun Woo shouting at her, Mr. Wang and Mr. Park totally enjoying the show.

"You pay for being a whore to my man. My Park Jimin!"

The door slammed opened as a furious Park Jimin walked in. The people within the room whipped their heads towards him including Jungkook. A small smile appeared on his lips as he saw his lover's face. He felt happy that at least he got to see his face before joining his parents. "J-jimin.." He whispered as he felt the pain contouring his whole body. "How dare you say his name?" Shi launched for his neck with her knife but before she can reach him a bullet was set free and the knife on her hand fell off. Another cry of pain was heard as Shi wailed from the shot on her arm. "Shi!" Mr. Wang stepped up towards his daughter who was clutching her arm in pain, blood oozing out tremendously.

"What do you think you're doing?" Mr. Park shouted in bewilderment. Jimin ignored his words and moved forward. Mr. Wang looked around skeptically. "Looking for your men?" Jimin chuckled before shooting Mr. Wang on his leg. "Taehyung had them." Mr. Wang groaned in pain as he clutched his leg to stop the blood flow. "Dad!" Shi wailed like a baby watching his father groan in pain.

Jimin dashed towards his boyfriend but was held back by the sound of a click. "Stop messing around son." Mr. Park held his gun on Jimin's head. "He doesn't deserve you. Leave him or else I won't hesitate on pressing the trigger." A loud laugh escaped Jimin's lips as he turned around to face his father. "Son? When the fuck was I even your son? You never treated me like one. A father teaches his son to write but you taught me how to hold a gun. A father teaches his son to face the world fiercely but you taught me how to kill people. A father takes care of his family but you killed my mother." A choked sob escaped Jungkook's lips as he heard all of Jimin's words. He could feel the pain and hatred laced in those words. Jimin never talked about his mother and now he knew why. He felt so helpless at the moment. He wasn't able to save his parents, he wasn't able to comfort his lover and everything was so messed up.

"You never acted like a father to me. You never was a father to me!" Jimin stood infront of the gun bravely. "Shoot me." He said sternly, not breaking the eye contact with his father. He could see the nervousness in his eyes, the cold sweat rolling down his temple. But before he could say another word, a loud shot resonated in the room and everything went numb. A loud shriek was heard, a cry of pain mad agony. A tear slipped down his eye as he whipped his head around to see his boyfriend fighting for his last breath. Another shot zoomed through the room,
Mr. Park's body laid lifeless on the floor. Jimin turned and made a sprint towards Jungkook who had blood all over him.

A sudden jolt went through Jimin's body as a bullet made contact with his left side of the back. "H-hyu..ng!" Jimin's view suddenly met the cold ground but he tried to crawl towards his lover. Jungkook put all his might and landed on the ground along with the chair. "B-baby." Jimin crawled his heavy body to Jungkook and caressed his bloody cheeks. "Stay with m-me." Jimin felt his chest squirming for oxygen but he wasn't gonna give up. Not now, not when his baby needed him the most. "Hyung...Th-thank you."

Tears streamed down their cheeks. All they ever wanted was to live in peace with eachother, together but now they had a heavy fog infront of them. Their future, together. "N-no! Everything will be f-fine Kookie!"

Jungkook smiled as he came to accept his future. Death, he was able to embrace it warmly because at least he had his love at this moment. He forced his body forward and landed a wet, red kiss on Jimin's lips who immediately and desperately kissed him back.

"I-I love you, hyung."


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