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How did the last two days went off, Jungkook got no idea about it. All he remembered was Jimin's words, his aching heart, his warm tears and his body lazily laid on his bed.

Jimin denying the kiss with such a lame excuse crushed his heart to a lot of unmeasured pieces. Him not liking Jungkook was something he could mend but now hearing his words it was hard for the latter, at least after sharing the kiss.

"I can lend my ears to you." Jungkook looked up from his desk to find his friend looking at him with a concerned expression. "Something happened?"

Eun Woo pushed the messy bangs away from Jungkook's eyes. "Did Jimin do something to you?" He asked oblivious of his feelings.

Jungkook clenched his jaw at the mention of his senior's name which was quite visible to Eun Woo.

"Kook?" Eun Woo shook his shoulder calmly. "What's up?"

"Nothing. I'm fine." He replied firmly looking away from his friend.

Eun Woo just sighed taking the cue to shut up. He knew something was up but being a good friend he also knew to give the boy some space and maybe like everytime he would come and talk out to him.


Jungkook and Eun Woo walked beside eachother as they returned from the cafeteria.

An awkward Jimin appeared infront of his juniors, startling the both. He opened his mouth to speak out something but abruptly stopped as Jungkook walked past him in a fast pace. Eun Woo sensed the cold air between his friend and his senior but kept quiet.

Jungkook was not able to stand on the same level as Jimin because he knew if he did he would give up his stubbornness and fall into him again. And he didn't want that, so the younger decided to stay as far away as possible from Jimin.

Well, that's what he did the whole day. Ignored Jimin. The elder tried speaking to the younger the whole day, waited outside the school gate after the class, waited at their usual hangout: the convenience store, called him up but the younger was very good at keeping himself shut off and that pissed the shit out of Jimin.


The door to the room banged opened making every being present inside flinch and curse under their breath. A not so pleased looking Jimin walked in with a furious expression painted over his face making everyone shudder in fear. The room was silent as their gaze followed the figure from the door to the last bench. To Jungkook.

Jungkook felt his heartbeat getting faster and louder as Jimin started getting closer to him. He felt his body freezing, brain cells abandoning him and eyes fixing its gaze on his wooden desk.

"Come out." Jimin's voice was deep and dark, something which was quite vulnerable to Jungkook's ears because he never heard the senior speak to him in that manner. The word intimidating was an understatement at that moment. Jungkook just wanted to go deep down the Earth and burn in the Earth's core.

He didn't move even after Jimin's command making the latter more anxious. "Come. Out." Jimin emphasized the words with a really low tone making a cold shiver run down the younger's spine.

Jungkook obliged his words this time, slowly getting up from his seat but not daring to look up at Jimin. The senior started walking with Jungkook trailing behind him like a lost puppy.

A sigh escaped Jimin's lips as they made it to their school's rooftop.  He turned around to face his junior, his heart softening immediately. Jungkook was still facing the cemented ground bringing a frown upon Jimin's face.

"Look at me." He said with a soft tone this time but Jungkook didn't budge, not even a little bit. Jimin breathed out knowing that Jungkook was still up with his stubbornness but who was he to complain when he's the reason why the younger was acting that way.

He slowly walked over to Jungkook slowly bringing his hands up to the latter's arms who immediately pushed it away taking a step back. "Why are you doing this?" He questioned with a broke voice as he tried to control his tears.

Jimin felt his heart breaking at the sight of Jungkook breaking down because of him, again. "Look at me. Why are you ignoring me?" He pleaded. Jungkook slowly moved his gaze away from the ground and faced Jimin with wet cheeks.

"Do you think it's easy for me to ignore you?" He spat. "You don't know how much it hurts me!" A whole new set of tears spilled out of his doe eyes making Jimin go crazy. He didn't expected anything like this.

Jimin knew that the younger was in no state to listen to his words right now so he just did what he felt like doing. He pulled the younger in his warm embrace, nuzzling his nose to Jungkook's nape.

The latter bursted out into more tears and hiccups as he tried his best to calm down. "Why are you doing this?" He cried, hitting Jimin's chest.

A small smile appeared on Jimin's lips as he pulled away and with the help of his two thumbs he cleared away Jungkook's wet, red cheeks. The younger just pushed his hands away and wiped his tears.

"Why? You rejected me already with that shit excuse, stop acting like a good boy here. I don't need your sympathy." He complained looking straight at Jimin's brown orbs. The latter only smiled more as he found the younger more cute with a pout as he complained. Jimin went through a whole rollercoaster ride of feelings in the past four days and that was one heck of a feeling. He remembered how he cried infront of Taehyung for not realizing Jungkook's love for him soon. How he chugged a whole bottle of vodka as he missed Jungkook's talks, bunny smile, warm body and his soft lips.

He wanted to feel them again so he just closed in and captured Jungkook's lips by his plumped ones. A whole bomb landed on Jungkook's heart, as he felt his cheeks heating up, eyes going wide but as Jimin started nibbling his lower lip he closed his eyes and devoured the moment. Jungkook returned the kiss bringing a proud smirk on Jimin's lips.

When the two pulled away from their longing kiss, they kept their eyes locked on eachother, chest heaving up and down from the lack of breath. Jimin brought his right hand up to caress Jungkook's cheek who just stared at him in confusion.

"Why you looking at me like that?" Jimin chuckled. "You can't be that stupid, right?" He furrowed his brows in disbelief as Jungkook stood like a really naive kid.

"I like you too," He smiled, his eyes turning to cute crescents. "Kid."



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