Hotel California

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You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave.
Lucy POV
I woke up with my phone ringing. I was in Kol's car driving all night trying to get to New Orleans.

"Your phone has been going off all night. It's my brother." Kol said.

I sat up rubbing my eyes. "Hello?" I yawned in the phone.

"Where the hell are you?" Nik yelled.

"I don't know where are we Kol." I asked.

Kol smirked. "Lucy I believe we are entering Louisiana."

"You are with my brother?" Nik growled.

"Yes I am. We are going to New Orleans. You're welcome to join us." I told him.

"Maybe but I'm currently on wolf duty." Nik said.

"Wolf duty?" I asked.

"It appears Haley has made a deal with Katerina and now vampires are after her." Nik said.

"So you rather sit in a house with wolf whore than come to Bourbon street and party with us?" I asked.

"That's not an option I already saved her life once today." Nik said.
Kol looked at me with suspicion. I could only guess he was thinking what could possibly happen.

"Fine." I said hanging up. "Just drive." I mumbled to Kol.
Kol was driving through New Orleans. There was a party on every corner. I smiled at the memories I had here.

"Pull over." I told Kol. I recognized a bar that I use to spend time with Marcel.

Kol and I walked in to the familiar bar.

"Lucy Salvatore. I heard somebody say.

I turned around to see my friend Marcel. I grinned. "Marcel long time no see."

Marcel smirked. "It has been a long time hasn't it?"

"Nice to see you again." Kol said Marcel.

Marcel grinned. "It has hasn't it. Last time I saw you, you were locked up in a coffin."

Kol smirked, "Well you know my brother."
Kol left with a drunk girl leaving Marcel and I alone.

"So what's going on with this town?" I asked.

"nothing much, I have the witches and werewolves under control."

I smiled, "It only took a hundred years."

"You didn't come back," Marcel mumbled.

"Sorry, I was on twin duty then ran into some complications, and before you know it a hundred years has passed."

"I'm glad to have you back Luc." Marcel told me.

I smiled, "It's nice to be back."

"Why isn't Klaus here with you?" Marcel asked

I sighed. "I don't know...busy with business in Mystic Falls I guess. I needed to leave."

"Well new starts." Marcel said holding up his glass.

I held mine up also drinking it.

My phone vibrated and it was a text from Stefan. 'Silas is in Mystic Falls.'

I sighed Turing my phone off. I didn't need Mystic Falls right now.
It was a few days since I've left Mystic Falls. I've sat in the same bar everyday with Kol.

"Skynyrd!" I yelled as Kol went over to the jute box putting on music. He looked over at me flicking me off as he put on The Doors.

"This works too." I mumbled taking a sip of my vodka. I looked over at the other table to see no one other than wolf whore. I smirked walking over to sit at her table.

"Wolf whore. Nice to see you." I said to her.

She looked up from a map she was looking at. When she saw me her eyes widened and he mouth dropped.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing." She mumbled looking back down at the map.

"What's that?" I asked pointing to the map.

"A place in the bayou where I can find answers on my family." She said.

"Ahh man a trip through the good old bayou. Mind if I come?" I asked.

"Uh yeah sure why not." She mumbled.

"Sweet I'll drive." I said getting up.
I pulled over where the map said to go.

"This is it?" I asked.

"I guess." Haley said.

"Charming." I mumbled.

Haley was studying the map and it burst in flames. "What the hell?" She asked throwing down the map.

I sighed. "Looks like witchy voodoo. Let's leave." I said getting into the car.

I tried to start the car but it wouldn't start. "God dammit!"

"I'll call a tow truck." Haley mumbled.

"Hey I'm looking for a tow service." Haley said into the phone before collapsing.

"Haley?" I asked before collapsing to the ground with her.

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