Unexpected (Gingerbrave)

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Brave sighs softly as he looked at the pale moon. It has been a whole year since the last attack from Dark Enchantress and Pomegranate. Something is wrong, usually from the schedule, every month his mother would attempt to take over the kingdom.

'Has she finally stopped and settled down? What is she planning? Will she attack again?'

A twig snapped and Brave quickly turned around, grabbing his candy cane in one swift motion. "Hey, hey, hey, it's just me!" Purple Yam says. The aggressive cookie had been taking anger management classes and therapy sessions from both Yoga and Milk. He has gotten alot more calmer and softer over the past year.

"S-sorry! I just thought you were a jellywalker or something..." Brave smiles softly at the older cookie. 'She's coming to destroy us soon!' His heart and mind were saying at the same time. "You seem really worried, Brave, what is going on through your head?" Purple Yam asked, sounding concerned.

Brave looks at the moon again. "I just wonder.... when mother is coming again..."

"Hm..." the purple cookie hummed out. "Well if that was the case she would have been here already and Wind Archer would have told us something was coming or the moon would have been covered with clouds."

"I know but-"

A sudden crash from deep in the forest cut Brave off. Both of the cookies look in the direction of the sound. "What was that?" Brave asked.

"I don't know... but I'll call for backup..." Purple Yam ran back to the direction of the kingdom.

A few minutes past and he had returned with Milk, Dark Choco, Strawberry, Cherry and Wind Archer. "Alright, let's go!" Brave says as all of them started to walk towards the direction of the crash.

"Halt!" Wind Archer suddenly said as the group got closer. Strawberry yelps softly and made Milk jump slightly. "I'll go see what happened..." Dark Choco sighed as he goes to discover what was there. Cherry goes along with the warrior with her bombs out and ready. A sudden explosion blowed.

"Sorry!" Cherry yells. Then rustling came from the bushes. Milk took a step forward as Brave ran towards the rustling. "Brave no!" Everyone said in unison. A sudden rush of red came out from the bushes.

This cookie was definitely not Fire Spirit, since this cookie was smaller and was a female. Her hair had twigs and was ruby red and wavy. Her dress was torn and ripped and from the moment she turned around, everyone gasped.


A New Life... (Cookie Run AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now