Planning (Pomegranate)

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"What should we do? Dark Enchantress is still out there!" Matcha looked worried

"We she's your sister, and you should know why she's doing this..." Milk pointed out. Then at that same moment, everyone turned to look at Pomegranate.

"U-um... maybe we could talk some sense to her, that always works when I was her.... servant..." She felt a huge wave of sad nostalgia coming. Matcha nods softly. "We could sneak into her palace!" The blind cookie suggested

"OR we could just KILL her!" Purple Yam growled. "But that wouldn't fix our problem, would it?" Matcha questioned the purple cookie. "It would, IT WOULD DEFINITELY CALM ME THE FUCK DOWN!"

"Yammy, language!" Milk says as he pulled him back from attacking Matcha. Matcha didn't even flinch at all, as if she wasn't afraid of him

Dozer thought for a while then says "How about we lure her into a trap where she gets put to sleep!"

Pomegranate looked confused. "Like a tranquilizer dart?"

"Yea! I have a whole bunch in my backpack!"

"Perfect," Roquefort smiles. "but we need it to be more effective to have a longer effect on her!"

"I could help out with that!" Walnut volunteered. "You are much too young for that, maybe next time..." Roquefort says as he looked at his apprentice

"Too young?! I found out who helped put the strawberry jam on Brave and who invited you to Cheesecakes Manor!" The child cookie huffed

Pomegranate sweat dropped at the situation

"Midnight, tonight... we get Dark Enchantress..." Matcha says in a serious tone

Everyone who was participating nods and goes home to get ready. The red haired cookie sighed as she looked at the moon.

'In 2 hours... we will be finding you mother...'

A New Life... (Cookie Run AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now