Hurt (Bright)

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"Brave, are you sure that Dark Enchantress went this way?" Bright felt extremely nervous, what if she came to kill Brave, what if she casts a spell on them?

"I know where she goes, once I find her, I'll kill her!"

"Do you even have a plan?" She asked. "I don't need a plan..." Brave retorted, rolling his eyes. 'That's what he always says....' Bright thought darkly. "What if our mentors find out?"

"They can go kiss their ass! When we kill Dark Enchantress, we will be heroes, we won't be disrespected any longer!" Brave looked at her with a glint of murder.

'He's not joking...' Her mind cried.

"Brave this is nonsense! Please, think about your aunt! She wouldn't want you to murder your mother!"

The leading cookie glares at Bright and grabs her by her neck, tight. She was struggling to breathe now. "YOU ARE NOT THE BOSS OF ME! IF YOU WERE MY REAL FRIEND, YOU WOULD HELP ME KILL HER, BUT YOUR NOT SO GO DIE IN A HOLE ALONE, BRIGHT!" He screamed at her face and threw her down the hill.

Bright screams with her hand out and the next thing you know, everything went black.










When she woke up, it seemed like hours have past by. Bright attempts to get up, however, she failed to do so. She felt so weak, like all of her energy had ran out.

Why, oh why did Brave throw her down? She began to cry softly as things went black and back to normal again.





The fifth time she woke up, she was in a room. Wait, she was in her bedroom, how did she get here?! Then she had remembered that Moonlight had found her in the forest.

As she was trying to remember on what else has happened, four cookies had entered the room with all different face expressions

A New Life... (Cookie Run AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now