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Y/N immediately rises from her bed the moment she hears the front door slam shut, knowing that Ethan was finally home. All day she's been trying to talk to him, to confront him about the cell phone and candle, but he's managed to avoid her at all costs - it was as though it was a game to him, and it didn't help that he was a pretty fast walker.

But he's not getting away this time.

"Ethan," Y/N spoke, darting into the living room where his feet now froze in place at the sight of her. He didn't think she was home. "Why?"

He knew exactly what she was talking about. She knew he knew exactly what she was talking about, and if he were to play dumb it would piss her off. But instead of playing dumb, Ethan gave her a quick glance before attempting to move past her and dash into his bedroom - but she expected that, so she quickly ran into his path and blocked his door.

"You didn't have to give me a new phone just because you feel bad for me," Y/N tells him, crossing her arms in a firm stance.

He raised his eyebrow. "I don't feel bad for you. Think of it as... a peace offering."

"A peace offering?"

"Yes, so we can finally shove our differences aside and establish a middle ground," Ethan sighed, and she wondered how the hell an iPhone X was going to 'establish a middle ground.' "Honestly, Y/L/N, it's not that big of a deal."

"Actually Dolan, it is," she mumbled. "And I appreciate the gift and all, but me nor my mother can afford your peace offering."

He lets out a loud laugh, as if she had just uttered the world's most hilarious joke. "And who said that you will be paying for it?"

Y/N's eyes widened, and she quickly begins to protest, "Oh no, Ethan, I can't-"

"Yes, you can. Listen Y/L/N, just make this easier for the both of us and keep the damn phone. It'll keep my mind at ease knowing you have an updated and high-tech device where I can reach you at all times and you won't lose your signal in a McDonald's. Okay? Now can I go to my room?"

Y/N steps aside with wide eyes, mulling his words over in her head as he goes into his bedroom. She knows he's right, and him purchasing the phone probably barely made a dent in his bank account... but the gesture was still pretty big, and the reasoning behind it completely wholesome. Why does he care so much about getting in touch with her at all times? How could he possibly go from despising her to tolerating her existence to wanting to become friends (okay, he didn't exactly say he wanted to be friends but still) all in just one week? And why is all this warming her heart right now?

Y/N lets her knuckles knock gently against his door, and a perplexed Ethan opens it while wondering how stubborn the girl can be. "What?"

"I really liked the candle too," she tells him in a soft voice. "Thank you."

His hard stare on her softened, and knowing her she probably treasured the vanilla scented candle more than the damn phone. "You're welcome."

Everything between the two roommates seemed all peachy, until Wednesday afternoon. Ethan suggested they work on their poems in the study lounge of Literature Hall just a few feet away from their English classroom. Their worked away in peaceful silence in their notebooks, but every now and then they would check in on each other to see if either one needed any help. But as they continued to work, a group of familiar pretentious boys walked into the lounge and approached the table the pair sat at.

There was three of them, and Y/N instantly noticed to presence and knew exactly who they were. They were Ethan's followers, the few friends he feels worthy of having who worship the ground he walks on. Brandon Smith, Kyle Houck, and Lewis Jackson. In her eyes, they were all assholes and just as stuck up as Ethan about their money - probably even more so that Ethan himself, who has been less rude to her as of lately.

The Soulless Prince | Ethan Dolan Where stories live. Discover now