the soulless prince

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Y/N struggles to sit up in bed as she observes the notification on her phone, her heart pace quickening as she stares at the familiar name upon her screen. She spares a glance at Ethan, who was still fast asleep with an arm lazily wrapped around her waist. She chews on the bottom of her lip nervously, and within a split second she makes an impulsive decision she'll most likely eventually regret.

She clicked accept.

Moments after she accepted the follower request of her boyfriend's complicated ex-girlfriend, whose page was not privated, she received a DM message from the devil herself.

ChloeWinston: hi, you must be Ethan's girlfriend.

Y/N: yes, I am. how did you know that? I really shouldn't be talking to you.

ChloeWinston: can we talk, actually? :)

Y/N: I thought we already were.

ChloeWinston: I mean in person, face to face. I know you have classes but we can meet later, you know that café next to the thrift shop? I'd like to meet you there at four o'clock sharp.

Y/N: and why in God's name should I make time to hang out with you? Ethan told me all about you.

ChloeWinston: not the whole story, which he doesn't even know about. please, this is really important. I can actually save you from the reign of terror you don't want to endure.

Y/N: ...fine.

Y/N sets her phone down and glances at her boyfriend, and jumps at the sight of his eyes wide opened staring lovingly at her. She smiles to hide the fact that she was just conversing with his ex and he is quick to pull her into his chest for a tight snuggle, his lips pressing against her forehead.

"How do you feel, angel?" Ethan whispered, placing another affectionate kiss to her cheek.

"Sore, in the best way possible," she hums, earning a chuckle from him. "I feel really great, Ethan. How about you?"

"I feel the happiest I have ever been in my life, and that's an understatement," he tells her, kissing the tip of her nose and letting his soft lips linger. "I love you."

It's funny how Ethan just existing never failed to have such a significant affect on her poor little heart. "I love you, too."

"Y/N... how did you finally manage to believe that I'm innocent?" he questions curiously, drawing circles against her bare shoulder. "You were so determined to assume otherwise."

"I think I already knew deep down, I just didn't want to acknowledge it in case... in case those messages were real and I didn't want to feel like a fool for taking you back," she sighed. "I'm really sorry Ethan, I should have believed you when you first told me. I know it doesn't seem like it but... I trust you, I really do."

"You know, I don't really blame you for not believing me. I said... a lot of shit within the first few days of knowing each other, which I'll always be sorry for," he murmured, caressing her face and tracing soothing jagged lines with his thumb across her cheekbone. "And those messages still look fucking legit. I don't know how the fuck someone hacked into my account without me noticing."

"Yeah... it was a set up, Kyle told me himself," Y/N stated. "He's kind of part of the reason why we're together right now. He told me the truth."

Ethan's body freezes, and his eyes turn a shade darker. "Kyle? You saw Kyle?"

"Well, Kyle saw me," she assured. "He came to your dad's office and told me that someone set him up to message with someone trying to be you. He wouldn't give me a name though, it was as though he'd fear for his life if he had. He came in all beat up, claiming it was a warning for him from the perpetrator to not speak up on what happened. I just wonder who it is..."

The Soulless Prince | Ethan Dolan Where stories live. Discover now