trick or treat

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"What the hell do you mean there's more that you can do?!"

Y/N sends Ethan a quick glare as he spits swears at his father, who is simply sitting at his desk with his hands folded and a frustrated expression on his face.

Mr. Dolan sighs before explaining, "We checked the security cameras of the hallways of your dorm and the culprit must have disabled them before spray painting your door. We're not able to seek out who did it, but it probably was just some prank-"

"Some prank?" Ethan scoffed, his irritation only increasing as he clenched his fists. "Didn't you read what the fucking door said?!"

"Language, Ethan," the dean reprimanded sternly. "And yes, I actually did read what the door said-"

"It's harassment, Dad!" Ethan growls, cutting his father off. "Mr. and Mrs. Filth. The same shit Eric Greene called Y/N when he-"

Y/N shot her angered boyfriend another warning glare before speaking calmly to Mr. Dolan, "Do you think it could be Eric, sir?"

"We looked into it, but Mr. Greene is strictly prohibited from the premises and his family actually moved him to a boarding school in Pennsylvania, so I doubt he was able to have anything to do with this," Mr. Dolan clarified. "Now I'm afraid there isn't anything I can do, but if another incident like this happens please come straight to me."

"Yeah, because you'll surely be of help," Ethan snorted before climbing out of his seat and storming out of his office.

Y/N provided her dean an apologetic smile before rising to her feet, only stopping when he called her name before she left. "Oh Y/N? I would just like to congratulate you."

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Congratulate me on what?"

"You're making quite huge strides to the top of the class!" Mr. Dolan grinned. "You're third, in fact, but there's no doubt in my mind that by the end of semester you'll surpass that ranking. I know this isn't necessarily the most important time to tell you, but I just wanted to let you know how impressed I am."

"Oh... thank you, sir," Y/N spoke, completely taken off guard.

"Also... I would like to invite you, and my son of course, to the Halloween party at my house we have annually," he spoke cautiously, frowning at the memory that they're both thinking of. "I know what happened last time wasn't exactly... pleasant, which I am still so truly sorry for, but I am going to great lengths to make sure my ex-wife doesn't attend, I promise."

"Thank you, Mr. Dolan," Y/N smiled hesitantly, a little worried but she managed to show her gratefulness for the invitation. "I'll think about it."

She leaves the office, knowing full well that if she were to mention anything about a Halloween party at Mr. Dolan's house Ethan would throw a fit and refuse to go. Speaking of Ethan, she doesn't see him anywhere in sight, so she assumes that he's back at the dorm. On the way out of the building, Y/N ends up running into Grayson who seems to be in a rush to make it to his father's office, but stops at the sight of her.

"Y/N!" Grayson calls, grabbing her gently by the elbow. "I haven't seen you much this weekend... although given the circumstances, I don't blame you."

"Yeah, I haven't been around much," Y/N replied, not feeling the urge to divulge in him the camping trip she had with Ethan this weekend. "Someone actually vandalized our sometime between yesterday and this morning, though."

Grayson's eyes widened, and a gasp leaves his mouth. "What?"

"Someone spray painted our doors saying 'Mr. and Mrs. Filth' and I was wondering if you knew anything about that, Gray?" She frowned at the thought of seeing those cruel words for the first time; it reminded her of the night she was attacked by Eric where he repeated those words to her, when Mrs. Dolan directed it at her when interrupting a family dinner, and when Ethan called her such a name during class. Somehow, this felt much more than a simple act of bullying.

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