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The sound of police sirens startled Y/N as she stood back up and wiped the stray tears on her face. Police officers hop out of the car and approach the shaky girl, and immediately begin to question her despite seeing the obvious spray-painted vehicle.

"Someone vandalized my boyfriend's car," she explained, then glanced at the yolk stain on her shirt and face. "T-The perpetrator was passing by and threw eggs at me."

"Okay," one officer nodded, while his partner observed the crime. "Now where's your boyfriend?"

"He chased after the person who egged me," Y/N informed him, then jumped when she heard the sound of a door slamming and looked to see Mr. Dolan quickly approaching with a concerned expression.

"What on earth is going on?" he exclaimed, then with one glance at the Rover he lets out an awed gasp. "What the hell! Y/N, where is my son?"

"Apparently he went after the person who did this," the officer answered for her, then turned to Y/N. "Can you describe the appearance of them?"

She shook her head. "N-No. They were wearing a mask-"

She stops herself from speaking when she hears the sound of a loud voice escalate from afar, and she looks up to see Ethan approaching - seemingly dragging the masked asshole who assaulted her. He actually caught the person.

"This is the piece of shit who destroyed my fucking car and egged my girl," Ethan spat, flinging the individual to the ground who let out a strained groan. "I found the can of spray paint in their pocket. Take your fucking mask off, asshole."

"Easy, Ethan," Mr. Dolan scolded, grabbing his son by the shoulder and guiding him away from the criminal.

The person slowly reached upwards and reluctantly pulled off their mask, revealing their face to be the one of Kyle Houck's - Ethan Dolan's right hand man and follower who took pride in insulting Y/N's background, which her boyfriend also took part in at the time. Ethan narrowed his eyes at his friend and clenched his fists, seemingly angrier by the discovery.

"Kyle, what the fuck?" he belted, taking a step closer to the platinum blonde who still laid on the ground. "You did all this shit to us?"

One of the officers quickly pushed Ethan back from attacking his former companion and assured, "We'll do the questioning, son. We'll take him in and file a report, and if I were you I'd call a place to get your car fixed..."

Y/N's mind dozed out of the conversation, and suddenly she couldn't deal with being around any of them anymore. She quickly spun on her heels and began walking back towards the dorm, trying to keep herself together although unsure why she felt this way. She has been strong so far throughout this whole ordeal - from the spray paint on their front door to the one on the pumpkin. It was only until she was struck by the eggs and saw that one scripted letter F on the shell was when she really felt fucked up - and maybe Kyle is right. Maybe Mrs. Dolan is right. Maybe Eric Greene is right. Maybe Ethan was right.

She is filth - at least, compared to all of them.

"Y/N!" she hears Ethan call after her, and immediately his familiar strong and comforting arms wrap around her to pull her into his chest.

Immediately, she breaks down into a ball of sobs.

"Baby it's okay," he whispered into her ear, holding her tight. "They caught the bastard, it's all over now."

She shook her head in disagreement, unable to use her voice. Her breathing was rapid and uncontrollable, and with her continuous tears gliding down her warm cheeks she could feel herself delving into a panic attack.

The Soulless Prince | Ethan Dolan Where stories live. Discover now