my getaway baby

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"Do you feel better?"

Y/N shuts the front door behind her and saunters over to Ethan who's sitting on the couch, patiently awaiting her answer as she takes a seat on his lap. His hands immediately go to her waist and pull her closer to his chest, where he places a chaste kiss against her forehead. His eyes were still red from the tears he had shed last night after reminiscing his terrible past with his ex-girlfriend, and this morning she insisted on confronting Grayson where Ethan presumed he'd be studying at the library like every Saturday morning before football practice.

"Not really," Y/N breathed out, shrugging her shoulders. "But it did feel good letting it all out."

"What did he say?" Curiosity drips from Ethan's tone, and he wonders if his brother continued his deceptive game of lies.

"He seemed regretful, but I don't know..." she sighed. "I mean, he apologized, and told me he did it out of jealousy - for... getting with Chloe, and for calling you out during the dance."

He frowned, and a scoff escaped his lips. "You don't believe him, do you? Grayson loves playing the victim card more than anything, except for maybe football. It's all an act."

"I don't think I believe him..."

"Are you still going to be his friend?" His eyes scanned hers worriedly, and she could detect hints of worry and fear roaming around his hazel specks.

Y/N shook her head. "I don't know... how could our friendship ever go back to the way it was after knowing the truth?"

Ethan remained quiet for a moment, yet his grip on her never faltered. After a few minutes of complete silence, a light smile finally made its way to his lips and he suggests, "Let's do something."

"Like what?" Y/N raised her eyebrow.

"I'm going to teach you how to drive."

His words immediately sent a churning of her stomach, her nerves increasing when she remembers of his promise he had spoken of when they left his father's house after a disastrous dinner.

"You don't have to-" she begins to protest, and he cuts her off with a chuckle.

"What are you so afraid of?" he questions, tilting his head to the side.

She rolled her eyes. "Oh I don't know, crashing your car, which either leads to us dying or me being in your debt for eternity."

His laugh grew louder, and he leans over to place a quick kiss against her lips. "You're cute. We won't die, and you won't crash my car - and even if you do, I would never make you pay me back... at least, not with money."

He then fumbles around for something in his pocket and dangles his car keys in front of her, his prominent smirk remaining on his pink lips. She sighs and reluctantly takes it from his hands, and they both rise from the couch. But just before they could walk out of the door, Ethan quickly tells her to go to the car and that he'll be down there in a minute. When she questions why he simply answers something about a "bathroom break" making her roll her eyes and leave the dorm.

Now finding herself alone in the glory of his Range Rover, Y/N's hands linger on the steering wheel as she desperately tries to not go into panic mode. Even if she does crash and they actually survive, Ethan has all the money in the world to just buy another one - this thought alone somewhat ease her mind a little, and after a few minutes of waiting around Y/N hears the slamming of the trunk (which she's startled by) and her boyfriend now sliding into the passenger seat.

"What took you so long?" she questioned, raising her eyebrow. "I thought you had to use the bathroom... and why'd you open the trunk?"

Typically when she's anxious she tends to ask a plethora of meaningless questions, most likely to stall the current situation she's in and distract herself from the nerves she's drowning in.

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