golden glitter

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For a majority of Y/N's life, she's never had a crush on anyone.

Well, unless you count that one time in kindergarten when Matthew Evans offered her a fresh packet of crayons to color her rainbow - but of course - we never count those times in kindergarten. She got over her love for the boy real quick when she caught him picking his nose and rubbing his fingers all over his shirt before trying to give her a hug.

But now here she is, finding herself drooling over Ethan Dolan's attractive face which has been sprouting a little beard that definitely suited him. He's been growing it for about two weeks now - two weeks of neither of them confirming their relationship, but with a mutual unspoken understanding that they were together now. Y/N really wasn't sure what that meant, but Ethan walks with Y/N to every class and they work on their homework together, a well as partnering up at every opportunity during class. It's rather strange how quickly her first relationship has blossomed from hatred to this, but she couldn't complain.

It was breezy Friday afternoon, Y/N clutched her books to her chest as she glanced at numerous posters along the walls of the corridors regarding the homecoming dance next Friday. She's taken notice to many cheesy date proposals from guys to girls, the gesture romantic yet slightly overrated and a little bit annoying. She doesn't think she's going to go, as Ariel once mentioned to her that Ethan doesn't really attend dances of any sort, and she knows it's foolish of her not to go because he's not going but it's not like she had a dress anyway to wear.

The moment she sat in her seat, Ethan still not in arrival - claiming he had to ask their last teacher a question and had urged her to go on instead - Grayson walked over to Y/N with his typical bright smile and friendly attitude.

"Hey Y/N," he greeted, taking Ethan's seat momentarily. "How are you?"

"I'm great," she nodded, flipping open her notebook to jot down the notes scrawled upon the whiteboard. "You?"

"I'm great as well," he replied, tapping his fingernails along the surface of the desk in anticipation for what he was about to say. "Have you heard about the homecoming dance?"

"Yeah," Y/N says mindlessly, not thinking much of anything. "Are you going?"

"That's what I'm hoping, but I'm still trying to find a date," Grayson said, eyeing her as his words hid an underlying implication. "But I was wondering, if you wanted to go to the dance with-"

"Grayson, you're in my seat." Their heads snapped up to the presence of Ethan Dolan, staring down his twin who quickly got up and grumbled something in annoyance before walking away. Ethan sat down, his frown maintained and evident on his face as her muttered in irritation, "Asshole."

"Are you okay, Ethan?" Y/N asked, a bit thrown off by his sudden deflated mood.

However, the boy beside her simply feigns an enthusiastic smile and shakes away her concerns. "Just peachy."

But he was certainly far from peachy.

It happens again when Y/N is sat on the couch of the living room Friday night finishing up her algebra homework when there's a knock on the door. Furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, she sets asides her books and answers the door, only to see a nervous looking Grayson standing before her.

"Grayson," she begins, not having expected him to be there, "what's up? Do you need anything?"

"Is Ethan around?" he questions, looking worriedly behind her to make sure the coast was clear.

This didn't help her puzzlement. "He's in the shower... why? Do you need to talk to him?"

"No!" he blurts a little too quickly, and definitely a little too loudly before covering up, "I mean, no, I don't need to talk to him. I actually came here to talk to you."

The Soulless Prince | Ethan Dolan Where stories live. Discover now