angel wings

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Y/N glares down at the screen in a trance, frozen in her place and unsure of what to do. She doesn't even realize that Chloe had looked over at her phone to see what has gotten her in a fright - aside from all the information she just spilled - and gasps at Grayson's message.

"Y/N, you need to get out of here," the blonde told her, glancing around their surroundings. "Go to Ethan - distract yourself from this."

"B-But Grayson-"

"We'll figure something out about him," Chloe assured, resting her hand against hers. "For now leave it to me to handle all this shit. You'll be safe with Ethan, he won't strike if you're with him."

Y/N nodded, wiping away the threatening tears prickling in her eyes as she stands up from the table. With shaky legs, she hauls herself over to the exit of the café but stops when she sees a familiar and dreadful baby blue Porsche outside from across the street. Her heart drops as she stays inside, watching as Grayson hops out of the driver's seat and walks over to the passenger, Ariel standing with him who turns around and kisses him right on the lips. Y/N feels sick, and then realizes they're planning to walk into the café unbeknownst of her presence.

"Go to the bathroom and climb out of the window," Chloe whispers into her ear as the couple separates from their mini makeout session. "I'll distract them."

Y/N thanks her before swiftly moving to the bathroom in the back, ignoring the odd stares she received by surrounding customers. Surely enough, there was a window in one of the stalls, so she quickly gets in and climbs onto the toilet to get to it. She slides the window open and manages to pull herself out, her knees crawling onto the rough concrete of the ground. She rises and brushes the dirt off her knees, now finding herself in an alleyway. She sighs and proceeds to walk, feeling relieved yet incredibly threatened all at the same time.

She couldn't help but feel an underlying hostility in Grayson's message. He's definitely out to get her now, if he wasn't before. She almost wishes she never made the top list of the academy - but a bigger part of her is proud of the accomplishment. She worked hard for it, and she wasn't going to let a guy like Grayson scare her out of her own school. Then she reminds herself.

Kyle's dead.

Y/N has to do something about this. She has to tell on Grayson - tell someone about what he's doing and what he already did. There's no doubt that he'll do to her what he did to Kyle - she knows he had something to do with that, it's quite obvious.

Even if she's going to try to expose Grayson, what proof does she have? Not only that, but his father is literally the dean of the academy. There's no way Mr. Dolan would believe such a thing about his favorite child. The only people who would believe her right now are Chloe (and her friends who "observed" Y/N for her), Kyle (but again, he's gone), and Ethan if she does a little convincing but probably not much considering how much he despises his twin. However, she cannot get Ethan involved with this. At least not yet. How is she supposed to tell him she hung out with his ex-girlfriend? The one who ripped his heart out?

Then another person comes to mind. Cameron.

She referred to Ethan as the "best" brother - could she have also been implying that her other brother, the younger twin, wasn't... all that great? It's worth a shot.

Ethan is sitting on the couch of the living room when Y/N returns to the dorm, his eyes concentrated on his phone screen. He looks up at her and feigns a smile before croaking out, "Hey."

"Hi," she spoke softly. "What's wrong?"

Had he found out about her and Chloe?

"You didn't hear? Kyle... Kyle died," he says, and her heart lurches at the fact that she indeed already know but had to pretend that she didn't. "In a car accident."

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