a devil's nightmare

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Y/N darted towards her dorm when she saw students depart from the ballroom, knowing full well that either Ethan or Grayson will come out and try to talk her. Tonight, she just wanted to be left alone.

But due to the fact she was wearing Ariel's slightly uncomfortable heels (they weren't exactly the same size), running was proven to be difficult and eventually she heard the familiar voice of her roommate.

"Y/N!" She turned her head to catch Ethan sprinting towards her, so she quickly removed her heels and held the shoes in her hands while she started sprinting across campus.

But Ethan was much faster than she was.

Without so much of a challenge, he quickly caught up to her and placed his on her shoulder, ceasing her movement. Y/N nudged him away and turned around to glare at him, then sighed with exasperation, "Leave me alone, Dolan."

He winced a little at her harsh tone, but he couldn't blame her. If he was in her position, he'd be pretty pissed too. "I won't leave you alone until I tell you the full story about Chloe."

"Do I even need to know more?" she questioned, feeling rather sick from the story she was informed of by Grayson, who surprisingly wasn't anywhere to be found.

She hoped Ethan didn't hurt him.

"Yes," he insisted, his eyes boring into hers. "Please hear me out, and after I'm finished you can make your own judgment."

She lets out a deep sigh, knowing full well that he wouldn't give up or go down with a fight. If there was something more she needed to know, she should it, right? Maybe things aren't as they seemed, perhaps Grayson exaggerated the story as some sort of retaliation towards his twin.

"Fine." She spun back around and he followed her into the building, her bare feet that had been freezing cold now releasing its tensity from the warm change in temperature.

Ethan shuts the door behind them and follows Y/N over the couch where she sits patiently, her knees brought up to her chest which caused a shifting in the skirt of dress, revealing her underwear a little - at this point she didn't particularly care how revealed she looked. He desperately tried to avert his eyes anywhere other than her cute floral pink panties as he sat a few inches away from her, wanting to keep his distance but also wanted to remain close.

"Chloe and I date when I was a Freshmen and she was a Sophomore," Ethan begins, exhaling deeply. "She was my first and only girlfriend, and I loved the idea of being with someone who was older. It was only one year, but I felt really cool. I truly loved her, I did. Our relationship at the beginning was the best, until it startled dwindling down into a shit-show."

Y/N quirked an eyebrow. "Wasn't she a scholarship student? Were you not discriminatory to people... like us back then?"

He shook his head. "Y/N, I never felt disdain towards you, or any students attending on academic rewards for that reason. I forced myself to act that way to prevent myself from getting close to you... out of fear of getting my heartbroken like my last girlfriend had done. I truly dislike entitled rich girls - I find them obnoxiously pretentious. Girls like you? More personable, down to earth, and actually able to hold an intellectual conversation that doesn't surround substantial amounts of wealth."

Y/N's mind immediately went straight towards when Ethan had brought her home after the party where she was attacked, and him whispering about her not needing makeup like "those other bitches." Then she remembers the accusation of him sending Eric to attack her, and her body goes frigid again.

"So what really happened with Chloe?" Y/N questions softly.

She could detect the tensing of Ethan's body but he soon relaxed. "Chloe had become an alcoholic after a few months of dating, when her grandfather passed away. Then she started dabbling in drugs..."

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