happily ever after

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"M-Mr. Willings?"

The teacher before her smiled, nodding his head as police officers stormed the room. Y/N was in a daze of confusion, then she sees Ethan standing behind him with a relieved expression on his face. He pulls her into a strong hug and holds her firmly, while she whispers, "What's going on?"

"You tell me," he replied, slowly loosening his arms around her. "Did he hurt you, angel?"

Her hand inches upwards to her throat where Grayson had squeezed with his large hands, still slightly aching from his strong grip. She looks back up into his blazing eyes and spoke, "A-A little, but I'm fine."

"Did. He. Hurt. You."

"He tried to strangle me," Y/N admitted, watching as Ethan clenches his fists and looks past her, where police officers had a pained Grayson handcuffed while removing him from his bedroom.

"I'll fucking kill him," Ethan hisses, moving towards his twin but Mr. Willings stops the infuriated boy, glaring intensely at the boy who choked out his girl. "Let me go!"

"Ethan we talked about this, don't act so irrationally," the English teacher teacher instructed firmly, holding him by his shoulders. "Just breathe. You'll get your justice when they prosecute your brother."

"You talked about this?" Y/N spoke, confused. "What's going on?"

Mr. Willings smiled and took a few steps closer to her, speaking lowly and out of Ethan's hearing range, "I knew about Mr. Dolan's shady ways all along, Y/N. The boy just never seemed right to me - especially after what he has done to Chloe."

"You know about Chloe?"

"Of course," he chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. "Why wouldn't I know about my niece?"

His niece. Y/N gasped in realization with the memory of Chloe's words, how she left people behind and kept them watching out for her - Mr. Willings was her mole. It all made sense now.

But at the same time, it didn't.

Noticing Y/N's downcast look, he clarifies, "I've relayed every vital information Ethan needed to know, excluding my niece's involvement. I informed him about Grayson's true colors and intentions with you, and during some time we've tried to work things out about how to stop him. Miraculously, you came in and helped."

Y/N glanced down at the metal in her hands, realizing that she was still holding onto the recording device she snatched from Grayson's wrist. She looked back up and whispered, "How did you know today was the day to stop him?"

"Ethan saw you go into Grayson's room and immediately called me over, and then I called the police."

Ethan walks back over to Y/N and spoke after Mr. Willings, "I knew the bracelet you bought him was a recording device - I brought gifts for him at the same place in mall to get shit on him in the past, I knew what you were up to."

Mr. Willings nodded. Then, the three heard a familiar masculine shouting from behind and turned to see Grayson thrashing in the police officers grip, a panicked expression on his face. "I didn't do anything, you can't arrest me! It will taint my record - I'm a future Harvard student! Dad!"

Mr. Dolan appears right at that moment, his face filled with an expression of confusion. "What is going on?"

"Sir, we were informed of records that your sound hired a well-known hitman that led to Kyle Houck's car accident that killed him," one officer explained. "We also received knowledge of previous drug conducts at parties he was involved with-"

"And attempted murder," Ethan seethed, crossing his arms. "Dad, Gray was trying to kill Y/N for taking his place as the top student, and his spot at Harvard."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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