Met at the Park

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"Another failed attempt at finding my soulmate." I mumble, sitting down on a park bench. It's 11 AM and way too cold for me to be out and about like I am. In fact, I wouldn't have left my warm bed if my best friend, Kim Taehyung, hadn't called me and said he found my soulmate... at Starbucks.

"Sorry, I tried to stop him but he and the friend he was with were in a hurry." Taehyung had told me when I got there. The younger was really upset about it because he knew how important it was to me. Tae made it up to me by buying me a caramel macchiato.

I absentmindedly trace the inked initials on my right wrist. The initials I've pondered over since I was 13. I smile fondly at the letters, remembering how excited I was to show it off to my mom and older brother.

"Eomma, eomma! Look!" I yell excitedly, running downstairs to the kitchen. Eomma and Jin hyung stop talking when I enter.

"What wrong, Min?" Eomma asks, walking towards me. I show her my wrist, smiling at her. She gasps, touching the black-inked initials on my wrist.

"Oh my goodness, Jimin." She says smiling at me.

"What are the initials?" Hyung asks, coming to see for himself.

"J. H." I say aloud, tracing each letter.

"Well Park Jimin, you still have your work cut out for you." I mumble to myself, ignoring the odd stares I get from people passing by.

"Um, excuse me." A red-haired man says, walking up to me. He smiles at me and does a small wave so I wave back. My wrist starts to itch a little but I ignore it as I let my eyes scan over the stranger... the very handsome stranger.

"C-Can I help you?" I ask, trying to ignore the fact that I stuttered a little.

"I couldn't help but hear your little pep talk and I just had to come talk to you." The man says, sitting down next to me. I feel the same itch again, more intense this time, but I ignore it as I continue to watch the man. He looks a little nervous about something.

"What do you wanna talk about?" I query. The man chuckles, tugging on the right sleeve of his jacket.

"You're not gonna believe me, maybe even think I'm joking but I... think I'm your soulmate." The man says and he's right... I don't believe him. At all. I mean, how could someone as handsome as him be my soulmate? How could I be that lucky?

"Let me see your initials," I command and the man obliges, rolling up the same sleeve he had been fiddling with.

Right there in black ink were two initials, each with a smaller letter below it. Pa Ji.

With a smile, the man points to my own wrist that has been itching like crazy.

"You should look at your own wrist." He advises, holding my hands face up. I finally look down at my wrist and see two smaller letters under the original initials, Ju Ho.

I lift my gaze to meet hopeful brown eyes.

"My name is Jung Hoseok. Your name is Park Jimin, if I heard correctly." Hoseok says and I nod, completely ignoring the fact that I'm blushing.

"Yeah, my name is Park Jimin," I reply, looking down at Hoseok's wrist where the rest of my name is being spelled out. I don't have to look at my own to know his own is being spelled out as well.

Trying not to freak out, I smile as a giggle escapes me.

"Nice to meet you Jung Hoseok, my soulmate," I say, intertwining our fingers. This warm feeling has settled inside of me, the current temperature soon going unnoticed.

"Nice to meet you as well, Park Jimin," Hoseok replies with the cutest smile I've ever seen. He gives my hand a gentle squeeze, chuckling.

"I have a question," I mumble, playing with Hoseok's fingers.

"Mm, what is it?"

"Were you at Starbucks some time ago with a friend?" I ask, looking up from my distraction.

"Yeah... oh, shiz. Hyung's gonna kill me cuz I said I was going to the store and I haven't." Hoseok panics, jumping up from the bench.

"Wait, gimme your phone before you go," I say, standing up as well. He hurriedly fishes his phone out and hands it to me. I quickly put my number in his phone, ignoring the contact name 'Platonic Soulmate'. It's not something I have to be jealous of. I hand it back to him after sending myself a message.

"See you later, babe," Hoseok says hurriedly, pecking me on the cheek before running off. I blush, watching him run down the street. I notice that the further away he gets, the lonelier I begin to feel.

"I guess this is what happens when soulmates part," I mutter, walking down the street towards my car.

"I could've given him a ride." I realize, smacking my forehead softly. 'I am an idiot.'


When I get back to my apartment, the loneliness has become so overwhelming that it makes me wanna track him down and cuddle him. My phone buzzes in my pocket so I pull it out to see that there's another message from Hoseok.


My Soulmate

[9:46 AM]


[10:02 AM]

I miss you Jiminie~


[10:03 AM]

I miss you too~

My Soulmate

[10:04 AM]

Send me your address so I can come see you later


[10:05 AM]

Mmkay~ (address)

When are you coming over?

My Soulmate

[10:06 AM]


Hyung is pissed at me and holding me hostage in the studio


[10:07 AM]

Oh, are you a rapper hyung?

My Soulmate

[10:08 AM]

Yeah~ kind of

Are you a '95 child?


[10:09 AM]


My Soulmate

[10:10 AM]

Then I am definitely your hyungie

I was born in '94

Uh oh, gotta go


[10:11 AM]

See you later hyungie

My Soulmate

[10:12 AM]



[10:13 AM]


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