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Jimin practically ran around his apartment in a cleaning frenzy when Hoseok sent him an 'omw'. Jimin's apartment wasn't messy but actually quite neat and well-kept. That's only because of Jin's constant nagging and teasing. Speaking of his older brother...

"Jimin-ah! You won't believe this!"

"Hyung calm down."

"Oh hush, you were freaking out all the way here."

Jimin laughs as he opens the door but pauses when he sees Jin's and Namjoon's anxious expressions.

"What's wrong, hyung?" Jimin asks, allowing the older men to enter.

"I don't know why or how this happened but..." Jin pauses as he looks around the spotless living room.

"If there's something wrong then this is not the time to tease me," Jimin states, putting his hands on his hips. Jin nods but gives his little brother a knowing smile.

"So apparently... We're not supposed to be a couple-"

"What do you mean Namjin's not supposed to be real?"

Jin and Namjoon had met each other 3 years ago at college. Jin wouldn't tell Jimin the full details of their meeting but what the younger did know was that Namjoon had walked in on Jin playing the piano in one of the music rooms. Over time, Jimin began to see Namjoon as another older brother. He doesn't want to lose him.

Jin narrows his eyes at Jimin's outburst, ignoring his boyfriend's snickering.

"If you had let me finish, I could've told you we're not supposed to be just Namjin," Jin grumbles and smirks when Jimin's expression shifts from confused to shocked.

"You're supposed to be a threesome?!"

Having more than one soulmate wasn't unheard of but is quite uncommon. The first case ever was a woman with three soulmates, a set of initials on one wrist and two on the other.

"Let me see," Jimin says excitedly, making grabby hands. Jin laughs as he and Namjoon hold out their left arms. The initials M. Y., written in the same black ink as the first set, are on both of their wrists.

"Holy shit." Jimin gasps, staring at the letters. He completely misses the look Jin gives him.

"Don't curse." Jin scolds.

"Couldn't help it hyung. This is different, this is awesome." The youngest gushes before gasping.

"I met my soulmate today-"

"Oh my god. Congratulations Jiminie!" Jin congratulates, pulling Jimin into a hug. Namjoon smiles and pats the youngest on his shoulder, "Congratulations, Jimin-ah."

"Thanks, hyungs. He's supposed to-" All three of them snap their heads over to the door when someone knocks on the door.

"That's probably Taekook. Joon hyung, open the door please." Jimin says, wiggling in his brother's embrace. 'Why are we still standing near the door anyways?' Jimin thinks with the raise of an eyebrow.

"Alright you- Definitely are not Taehyung or Jungkook," Namjoon says upon opening the door to a bouquet of flowers. A redhead pops out from behind the bouquet just as surprised as Namjoon.

"Ah, um... Park Jimin does live here right?" The man questions unsurely.

Namjoon stumbles forward when Jimin suddenly leaps onto his back; he barely manages to stop himself from tumbling into the red-haired man.

"Hoseok hyungie!" Jimin exclaims with a grin. Hoseok's confused expression melts into a soft smile.

"Hi, Jiminie. Who's your friend?" Hoseok asks, eyeing Namjoon. At this, Jin peeks his head out from behind the two in the doorway.

"Oh! This is Namjoon hyung, one of my brother's soulmates. And this Seokjin hyung, my brother." Jimin says, pointing to each man as they're introduced.

"And you're the handsome soulmate my little brother has been dreaming about, I presume." Jin comments, making Jimin blush and swat his brother's arm. Hoseok chuckles and nods, mumbling, "I guess."

"I'm Jung Hoseok. Nice to meet you." Hoseok says as he hands Jimin the flowers. Jimin hops down from Namjoon's back and puts the flowers in a vase full of water. It's a vase that's had dozens of bouquets from people that tried to chase Jimin, people who didn't care about who their soulmate was.

"Well, you were right about one thing, Jiminie," Jin says as the group head to the living room.

"I'm scared to ask but about what hyung?" Jimin asks sitting down next to Hoseok on the sofa. Namjoon sits in the armchair and Jin sits in his lap. For a second Jimin contemplates doing the same with Hoseok but decides against it.

"He does shine as bright as the sun."


"So Hoseok, how old are you?" Jin asks, leaning back against Namjoon and completely ignoring his brother's glare.

"I'm 24."

"Oh? I have another dongsaeng on my hands. Jiminie is turning 23 in October." Jin says, smiling at Hoseok.

"Hyung." Jimin whines, shaking his head. That's not something he wanted his brother to tell his soulmate; he wanted to tell him himself. Jin chuckles and nods, understanding his little brother's issue.

"Alright. I'll let you guys learn about each other on your own time."

"Thank you. Now let's move on to how we're gonna find your other soulmate." Jimin says, rubbing his hands together. Jin and Namjoon roll their eyes while Hoseok's eyes widen. Jimin frowns and eyes the older man before a sudden thought comes to his mind.

"Who's that hyung you mentioned before?"

Hoseok is slightly taken aback by Jimin's question but doesn't hesitate to answer.

"Yoongi hyung. Min Yoongi."

Before anyone can say anything else, the front door is slammed open.

"Taekook has arrived... oh." Taehyung pauses as he enters the apartment, Jungkook attached to his back. The newcomers can feel the tension in the room as soon as they receive looks from the two other couples. They're all still for a moment before Jungkook speaks up.

"What's going on?"

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