The Meeting

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*Combined ages gives you the oldest - youngest couple XD

I just thought about this but - Jin and Jimin are half brothers; same mom, different dads
more backstory later on


"Oh my god!"

"Tae, shut up!"

Jimin and Hoseok laugh as they watch Jin scold Jungkook and Taehyung, The youngest couple couldn't hold in their excitement at the eldest couple's new development. They couldn't help but be happy about the idea of having another hyung to mess with. Jungkook glances at Hoseok before poking Taehyung in his side. The older man jolts and glares at Jungkook before looking where Jungkook is looking.

Taehyung and Hoseok make eye contact and have a staring contest for a few seconds before Taehyung gasps.

"You're the one from Starbucks! I was right Jiminie!" Taehyung squeals, running over and hugging Jimin. Hoseok's not gonna deny he felt a twinge of jealousy seeing his soulmate be hugged by another man, but he wasn't the only one.

"Yes, you were, Tae. Now let go before you squeeze me to death." Jimin giggles, pulling Taehyung's arms from around him.


"So, Min Yoongi huh?" Jin asks quietly, looking down at his feet. Now that they were all settled down, they could all think this other soulmate business out. Taekook had decided to sit on the floor near Jimin and Hoseok.

"Yeah... Jiminie, why did you ask me about hyung?" Hoseok asks, looking down at his soulmate who'd decided to lie his head in his lap. Jimin shrugs, reaching up to poke Hoseok's cheek.

"I don't know. Your body language told me you knew something and then I just remembered the hyung you mentioned before. I didn't think there was a possible connection." Jimin answers, patting Hoseok's cheek before resting his hands on his stomach. Hoseok smiles at the younger before hesitantly deciding to comb his fingers through Jimin's hair.

"Does Yoongi have two sets of initials?" Namjoon asks Hoseok who nods in response.

"He does. I've only seen them a few times because hyung always wears sleeves to cover them."

At this Namjoon and Jin share a worried look. If he hides them, then does that mean he doesn't care about wanting to know his soulmates? Or does he not want anyone to know he has two? How long has he had both sets of initials? All these questions and more run through their minds until Hoseok's phone starts ringing.

"It's Yoongi hyung," Hoseok announces. They all laugh when Taehyung mumbles, "Speak of the devil."

They all go quiet when Hoseok answers and puts the phone up to his ear.

"What's wrong, hyung?"

"Nothing. I'm just making sure you're alive."

"Really hyung? I told you you could come with me to meet him."

"And I told you no."

"And now you're worrying about me?"

"Who says I'm worried?"

"I know you very well hyung. How about you come over and meet Jiminie?" Hoseok looks down at Jimin for confirmation and the younger nods.

"Shouldn't you two be bonding?"

"Just come over hyung. You made me give you the address "for emergencies", now use it."

"Fine. Be over in a few." And with that Yoongi hangs up.

"Is he coming?" Taehyung asks, playing with Jungkook's hair.

"Yeah." Hoseok answers with a nod. Immediately after, Jin jumps up and walks into the kitchen. Namjoon watches after him, trying to get his heart back to beating at its normal pace. Taehyung and Jimin follow after him, ignoring the whines from their soulmates for them to come back.

"Are you stress-cooking hyung?" Jimin asks, clinging to his brother's shoulders.

"Stress-cooking and cooking because you didn't. Why would you not cook for Hoseok if you knew he was coming over?" Jin asks, flicking Jimin's forehead.

"I was scared it'd turn into a disaster." Jimin whines, rubbing his forehead. Jin and Taehyung laugh but quickly hush when Jimin says, "Neither of your boyfriends can cook well either."


Yoongi was told that Jimin was basically the same height as him so he expected either Hoseok or him to open the door. Not two giants with big smirks on their faces, one of them a brunet and one with black hair.

"Kim Taehyung! Jeon Jungkook! Get away from the door!" A voice yells from afar. Footsteps can be heard before the two giants are pulled down onto the floor by a short brunet.

"Ow! Jimin." The brunet groans as he stands back up.

"You deserved it." The shorter brunette says, watching the two giants walk off.

"So you're Jimin?" Yoongi confirms, receiving a nod in response. Jimin scans over Yoongi, noticing that Yoongi was wearing a sweatshirt underneath his jacket. 'I understand it's cold but it's warm in here. Will he have to take that sweatshirt off at some point?'

"And you're Yoongi hyung?"

Yoongi chuckles and nods. Hoseok soon walks up behind Jimin and wraps his arms around his waist.

"Hey, hyungie." Hoseok greets and Yoongi rolls his eyes.

"I saw you barely an hour ago, Hoseok." Yoongi retorts and Hoseok sticks his tongue. When Jimin and Hoseok finally move away and let Yoongi enter, the elder is immediately hit with the smell of food.

"Taehyung, come set the table." The same voice from earlier calls out from what appears to be the kitchen.

"Why can't Namjoon hyung do it?!" The brunette from earlier whines, standing up from the couch.

"Because he's accident-prone." The owner of the voice finally comes into view and Yoongi can't help but gape at the sight of the man. 'Holy shit, he's beautiful.' Yoongi can't help but stare at the black-haired man's full lips. He peels his eyes away when he notices the man is staring back at him.

"Those few times does not make me accident-prone." Another brunette rebuts, crossing his arms and pouting. When Yoongi chuckles, the brunette's eyes flicker over to him, eyes wide with surprise. Namjoon, Yoongi assumes, waves at him and covers his face.

"So, that's Namjoon hyung, Jin hyung, Taehyung, and Jungkook," Jimin says, pointing out each individual to Yoongi as he stands next to the older man. Yoongi nods and begins to scratch his arms as subtly as possible. Jimin and Jin notice, however.

"Hyungie, you'll stay to eat, right?" Hoseok asks, resting his head on top of Jimin's. Yoongi barely registers Hoseok's question as he sheds his jacket and rolls his sweatshirt sleeves up to look at his arms. Hoseok notices the panic and fear in Yoongi's eyes and doesn't hesitate to back up and stand in front of the man's only exit, taking Jimin with him.

"You alright?" Jin asks, covering his own left arm as he walks up to Yoongi. Yoongi shakes his head furiously and looks up at Jin and then turns around to glare at Hoseok.

"Did you-"

"No, hyung. I really didn't." Hoseok says quickly, cutting off Yoongi's accusation. Yoongi turns back around to glare at Jin but falters as he sees the glint of sadness and worry in Jin's eyes. Yoongi holds out his wrists for the taller man to see and Jin's eyes widen.

On his left wrist were the initials Ki Se.

On his right were the letters Ki Na.

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