Too Nice

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"What time is it, agi?" Hoseok asks drowsily, on the verge of falling asleep. The cause of his drowsiness? Being wrapped up in a blanket with Jimin while holding the younger man. The younger is already on his phone so it only takes him a moment to read out the time.

"3:51. Why?"

"'m still wearing my sleeping clothes... I have to go get some clothes from my place and I don't know how long it'll take me." Hoseok groans, reluctantly letting go of Jimin.

"Then go. By the time you get back I'll be ready." Jimin replies, patting his soulmate on the leg. Hoseok whines but nods anyway.

"Alright." The older man sighs, pouting.

"Stop pouting, cheonsa. The quicker you are, the faster you get back."

Hoseok nods, pecking Jimin on the cheek before he rolls off the bed and runs out of the bedroom. Jimin raises an eyebrow at the older man's eagerness but shrugs it off.



[4:30 PM]

Where are you?!

My Soulmate

[4:32 PM]

Heading back to yours



My Soulmate

[4:33 PM]

Yes. I'm about 3 minutes away

I think


[4:34 PM]

You think?!

You better be

My Soulmate

[4:36 PM]

Why are you rushing me!?

It's only a five min drive to that dang store


[4:38 PM]

Sorry, I'm just nervous

Please just hurry

I need you here

My Soulmate

[4:39 PM]

I'm outside




"Wow, he's just as early," Jimin mumbles, immediately picking Jae out of the many people crowding the store. It might've just been nerves that made Jimin so observant of his surroundings, however.

"Where's Jae?" Hoseok mumbles, carefully leaning on the steering wheel.

"Right there," Jimin says, pointing towards a red-haired boy leaning up against the store's glass wall. Jimin has mentioned this to the boy but he envies Jae's height because he's just as tall as Namjoon, even a little taller than said man.

"That's a kid? He's just as tall as your brother and Namjoon." Hoseok scoffs, glaring at the oblivious boy. Jimin chuckles, kissing Hoseok on the cheek before he gets out of the car.


Hoseok 3rd POV


"Jimin!" Hoseok yells as he watches said younger man approach the threat. At least that's how Hoseok sees Jae. 'I mean he is trying to steal my soulmate like he doesn't have one of his own... or does he?'

Hoseok watches the two as closely as he can from where he is. Despite his jealousy and agitation, he can't help but be curious about the question that just popped up in his head. Getting your initials late or not having a soulmate at all is rare but it does happen and it is the most unfortunate thing that could happen in Hoseok's eyes.

The two talk for two minutes and to the impatient Hoseok it seems like it's not gonna end so he gets out of the car and walks up behind Jimin, wrapping his arms around the young man and simultaneously scaring him.


Back to regular 3rd POV


Jimin practically jumps out of his skin when he feels arms wrap around him.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you, agi. Just wanted to meet your friend here." Hoseok says, earning a sigh from Jimin and a surprised look from Jae.

"This is your soulmate, Jiminie hyung? He's surprisingly handsome, hyung... And you look cute together." Jae says, a bit awestruck by Hoseok's sudden appearance and by Jimin's embarrassed face.

"T-Thanks, Jae. Guess we'll get going now. And tell your noona I said hi." Jimin says quickly before pulling Hoseok back to his car. The brunette laughs when he hears the embarrassed 'Ya' from Jae in the distance.

"So you two are back to being just friends again?" Hoseok asks as soon as they get into the car. He earns a giggle and a kiss on the cheek.

"He finally got his initials a week ago so now he's going to focus on finding his special one," Jimin informs the man, a bright smile on his face.

"Then who's his noona?"

"His sister. That's who he lives with currently."

"And the flowers?"

"He thought he'd give me one last scare before he gave up completely, I guess," Jimin says with a shrug.

"Jimin..." Hoseok sighs, shaking his head.

"What?" The younger man asks, frowning. Why was Hoseok shaking his head?

"You're too nice and easy-going. How haven't you been robbed yet?"

"I... actually have. Twice." Jimin admits, an awkward smile on his face.

"Jesus." Hoseok sighs before chuckling seconds later.

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