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(Week later)

"Minnie, you didn't have to buy so many flowers. Those put my two to shame." Hoseok chuckles, watching as his boyfriend walks up to him with a bouquet of chrysanthemums. Hoseok himself holds only two pink roses. How convenient that there's a new flower shop outside of the cemetery Chaeyoung's buried in. It wasn't there last year, Hoseok remembers, so it had to have been built sometime after his last visit.

"Well, I want to make a good first impression." Jimin reasons, fiddling with the bouquet paper. This was important to the brunet though he wouldn't tell Hoseok that.

"Agi." Hoseok chuckles, pulling the shorter boy to him.

"What?" Jimin pouts, cradling his freshly-bought flowers.

"I can tell you're worried about this but there's nothing for you to worry about." The red-haired man assures the younger who sighs in response.

"You ready now?" Hoseok questions, taking a step towards the entrance before pausing and looking back at Jimin who's frowning now.

"Not yet... Cheonsa, when did you get my initials?" It's a question the brunet was just plagued by, something he hadn't thought of before. He's had his initials since he was thirteen but Hoseok was nineteen when he met Chaeyoung.

Hoseok starts to fidget and tugs on his jacket sleeve.

"There's some things I left out... like how Yoongi hyung and I have a lot more in common than just interests..." Hoseok trails off, eyes on the roses and mind blocking out just how truly cold it is.

Jimin's eyes widen at the insinuation, his soulmate's statement understood the moment he said it.

"You had two pair as well? Oh my God." Jimin gasps and Hoseok chuckles at the boy's surprised expression.

"Yeah, I did... Ready to go in now?" Hoseok questions, ready to finally go rant to Chaeyoung and get out of the cold weather sooner.

"One last question."

"And that would be?"

"Are these really too much?" The brunet asks, holding up the bouquet. Hoseok laughs and wraps an arm around Jimin's waist and leads him through the entrance.

"They're just fine, agi."

Hoseok walks them past four rows before turning down the fifth one and stopping at a grave in the middle. The tombstone reads

              'Park Chaeyoung

                        Beloved by all who knew her

                        You will be missed'

There are fresh flowers on the grave so it's clear someone had been here before them.

"Looks like your mom beat us here, Chae-yah. Just like every year." Hoseok chuckles before kneeling in front of the grave, dragging Jimin down with him. The two lay their flowers down in front of the previous ones. Now that he's empty handed, Jimin begins to fiddle with his fingers.

"This year has been interesting and good. Mostly good," Hoseok pauses to smile at Jimin who nervously smiles back, "I met P. J. finally. And he's absolutely amazing."

"Cheonsa, you're exaggerating. I'm not amazing." Jimin whines, making Hoseok double over in laughter.

"You saying that... makes you even more amazing, agi," Hoseok says as he calms down. Jimin rolls his eyes and crosses his arms before looking back at the grave.

"How did you put up with him, Chaeyoung-ssi?" The brunet asks, earning more laughter from his soulmate.




"No, let's stop talking about it."

"Yoonie hyung, please."

"What? You brought it up; I declined; let's move on."

"We can't just move on from this, Yoongi." Seokjin states and Yoongi groans, standing up from his chair. Namjoon grabs the elder's hand which is much harder than anticipated because the youngest is lying out flat on his back on the couch.

"I don't want to move in with you guys yet," Yoongi states, looking in-between both men.

"Why not?"

"I still need a place to run to." Yoongi retorts, placing his hands on his hips. The shortest man will not admit that he saw and or felt the hurt pass through his soulmates.

"Run to for what, Yoonie hyung?"

"You know, Namjoon... I don't know why you asked." Yoongi grumbles and Namjoon pouts at the elder.

"How about this, Yoongi, I have a proposition for you. A challenge, really." Seokjin announces, walking over to the shorter black-haired man.

"And it would be?" Yoongi inquires, raising an eyebrow.

"Do a probationary stay. Stay here for one month to test the waters. We'll pay the rent for your apartment for the month but you gotta try this out. Gotta stay here a whole month." Seokjin proposes, walking behind the shorter man to pull him into a back hug. Yoongi glances down at Namjoon's hopeful expression before looking away and sighing.



Now let's back up some 😈

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