The Fanboy

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After some coaxing and encouragement from Hoseok, Yoongi allows himself to be taken to Seokjin and Namjoon's house once they'd all eaten. On the ride there, Yoongi can't help but voice his thoughts.

"You two are my soulmates? And you just got your second set of initials?"

"Yes," Jin answers from the driver's seat, his eyes completely focused on the road despite the urge to turn around and look at Yoongi.

"I don't know whether I should say that's unfair or not because I got them both on my 16th birthday." Yoongi sighs, rubbing his hands together. Namjoon turns around to look at Yoongi curiously.

"You got both sets on your 16th? We got our first on our 16th birthdays too." The young man tells the older man. Yoongi raises an eyebrow, silently wondering why they just got his initials.

"This is so odd." Yoongi mumbles but is heard by the other occupants of the car.

"But it's a good odd," Namjoon reassures, smiling at the man. Yoongi smiles back unconsciously, blaming it on the fact that Namjoon's smiles are infectious.


When the trio of soulmates left, so did Jungkook and Taehyung. Their reason was to give the new couple some time together. They left with the promise that they were going to relentlessly tease Jimin the next day.

"I love my friends but they're buttholes sometimes," Jimin comments once he closes and locks the door behind the departing couple. Hoseok laughs as Jimin comes and sits down next to him on the couch.

"It's good to have such loving friends. Even if they tease you a lot." Hoseok says, pulling Jimin into his lap and wrapping his arms around him. The younger doesn't protest since there's no reason to do so; Hoseok feels warm and he loves to cuddle anyways.

Jimin checks the time on his phone and almost curses. He has to work the night shift in a few hours and now he really doesn't want to go anymore. But if he goes he'll finally get to boast about it to Jongin.

"What is it, baby?" Hoseok asks, looking down at the younger's phone.

"I have to go to work in a few hours. I work the night shift at a convenience store." Jimin informs the older man, sighing afterwards.


Jimin frowns at Hoseok's question and looks back at the older man.

"What do you mean by why?"

"Why do you work at a convenience store? You should quit."

"And who's going to pay the bills?" Jimin asks defensively, jumping up to face Hoseok. What is this man trying to suggest? Does he want Jimin to be homeless?

"I will. At our place. I want you to move in with me." Hoseok responds with a smile. Jimin raises an eyebrow and continues to stand.



"We may be soulmates but we just met. For all I know you could be an abusive asshole waiting to rear his ugly head. I will not move in with you right now and I will not quit my job." Jimin states, putting his hands on his hips. Hoseok momentarily pouts before smiling and nodding. He understands that Jimin wants to go slow and he doesn't want to upset the younger man.

"Alright, Jiminie. What time do you leave for work?"

"Six. The store closes at 12."

"Then I'll hang out there with you."

"I'd love that but don't you have a job as well?"

"Of course, I do. I'm a well-known rapper."

With interest, Jimin straddles Hoseok's lap.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. My rapper name is J-Hope."

"The J-Hope? The hidden rapper that's known throughout all of South Korea? That rapper?" Jimin questions excitedly, bouncing up and down slightly. Hoseok nods and covers his ears when Jimin squeals in excitement.

"Oh my god!"

"But you can't tell anyone Jimin-ah."

"I know, I know. But oh my god!"

Hoseok laughs as he continues to watch his soulmate fanboy.

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