At Least Try

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Jimin popped popcorn while Hoseok selected a movie on Netflix. Jimin decided that a movie would help lift the mood but...

"Why... would you choose Up? Why pick a movie with a sad opening and an emotional ending?" Jimin asks exasperatedly, looking at the man incredulously while the red-haired man just laughs.

"Are you trying to say this isn't a good movie to watch to uplift my spirits, agi? You said I could pick the movie. And this is the movie I picked." Hoseok states, crossing his arms. Jimin pouts and pulls the elder into his arms. Hoseok chuckles as he lets himself be repositioned so that they're both lying down and he's the little spoon.

"Fine. We'll watch Up." The brunet huffs, pressing his face into the elder's neck. Hoseok chuckles before finally starting the movie.

The couple watch the movie in silence but when the hospital scene played, Jimin couldn't help but think back to his dream... Now that he thinks about it, the crying in his dream... sounded like Hoseok's.



"I had a dream... about standing outside of a hospital room belonging to Park Chaeyoung... And every time I went to leave, I would hear loud sobbing and... it sounded like you."

Jimin feels Hoseok stiffen as soon as he finishes retelling about his odd dream. The elder pauses the movie and shifts around until he's facing the worried brunet. And Jimin's worry is justified; Hoseok's face has lost all of its color.

"Recently?" Hoseok questions quietly and Jimin nods. The red-haired man lets out a shaky sigh as he begins to avoid Jimin's gaze. The topic of the dream has made everything but Jimin interesting, seemingly.

"And you didn't mention this earlier... because?" Hoseok inquires and Jimin rolls his eyes. It doesn't surprise Jimin that Hoseok would try to change the subject like this.

"I don't know, cheonsa. Maybe because you were crying and my main priority at the time. When Yoongi called, all I could think about was you so I completely forgot about the dream until now." Jimin answers and Hoseok blushes, embarrassed by the younger's explanation.

"Well... it just sounds like a memory of mine..." Hoseok sighs as Jimin starts to thread his fingers through the elder's hair.

"I don't think it can be avoided now, cheonsa. Don't you wanna talk about it now? I'm listening, not judging." Jimin mumbles, pressing a kiss to the older man's forehead.

"I met Chaeyoung when I was nineteen and we hit it off immediately. At the time, I was just rapping for fun and uploading music whenever I could but I did perform at clubs sometimes. And one of those times, I met her... and even in the dim lights of the club, she was absolutely stunning and she complimented me on my performance but she was more interested in the origin of my lyrics than the fact that she'd just met her own soulmate..."

A fond smile appears on Hoseok's face and Jimin can't help but smile as well. Chaeyoung sounded like someone Jimin could've gotten along well with.

"After a month of just seeing each other at any chance we could, I had her move into my apartment. Constantly talking to and seeing each other made us both happy but for me especially. Chaeyoung quickly became the center of my life and hyung can testify that I was a douche because of that. Skip forward six months and I'm thinking about marrying her; I had a ring already and I was almost ready to propose to her. One day, I finally get the courage so I decide to come pick her up from work. I've already got the entire apartment set for the evening – dinner made, rose petals leading to the kitchen, the whole deal..."

Hoseok's face pales again and Jimin begins to rub circles into the elder's back in hopes of comforting him.

"I pick her up but she wants to stop at a store to buy something. So we go in and she buys flowers and a hat. We walk out and she sees something before I do and she moves before I can stop her... Chaeyoung was kind, way too kind for her own good, much like you, agi. She would quickly put herself in harm's way just to save someone else... She had jumped in the way of a moving car to save a seven-year-old boy. The impact wasn't hard enough to kill her immediately but gave her enough brain damage that the doctors didn't know what to do without making her condition worse or killing her sooner. So they admitted her to the hospital, told me she only had one night to live, and started making arrangements for her funeral... I stayed with her all night but she started singing me a lullaby and I fell asleep... When I woke up, she was gone but she had a smile on her face... I couldn't do anything... I couldn't save her."

Hoseok looks Jimin in the eye, tears starting to drop from his eyes and trail down the bridge of his nose onto the couch. Jimin hurriedly wipes them away and pulls Hoseok by his nape so the elder will bury his face into the brunet's chest.

"She wouldn't have wanted you to save her, hyungie. She wouldn't have wanted you to get hurt just as much as you wanted her not to get hurt either. She clearly cared for you deeply and it must have hurt her to see you hurting as well... But she died with you by her side and knowing that she had saved a life in the process so of course she was happy... She wouldn't want you to suffer, hyung, to torture yourself like this... Neither do I. Chaeyoung wouldn't want you to worry like this so I promise to you both, here and now, that I will try not to make you worry anymore." Jimin says, still rubbing the elder's back. Hoseok's cries slow down to sniffles before he finally looks up at Jimin with teary eyes.

"Promise?" Hoseok whimpers and Jimin smiles down at the elder as he holds up his pinky. Hoseok links their pinkies together and they press their thumbs together to seal the promise.

"Now how about we finish the movie, cheonsa?" Jimin asks and Hoseok nods his head eagerly before shifting around quickly to face the television again. Jimin will try really hard to keep his promise. He'd hate himself if he didn't at least try.

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