Pointless Arguments

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I think this is gonna just about wrap it up. The chapter after this will likely be the epilogue. It’ll possibly be lengthy to get all my bases covered but I’m gonna try.


“There is a one in a thousand chance that soulmate initials will change. It is extremely unlikely but not impossible. It has happened before.”

Kim Taehyung was a bit of an early bird compared to the rest of his family. He got his initials when he was thirteen while the rest of his families usually showed up when they were fifteen.

“J. A.”

Taehyung didn’t really care whether his soulmate was a girl or a boy. He just wanted to meet them.

Jeon Jungkook was a bit of a late bloomer compared to the rest of his family. He got his initials when he was seventeen while the rest of his families usually showed up when they turned sixteen.

“K. B.”

Jungkook really hoped his soulmate was a guy because Jungkook already knew he was hella gay.


Jungkook was nineteen when he met twenty-year-old Taehyung. It was while Namjoon was giving Jungkook a tour of his university since the younger boy would be attending as well.

“Are you sure you want to go here, Jungkook? You don’t have to come here because I’m here.” Namjoon states, crossing his arms as he stops walking down the stairs of the main building. Jungkook continues down the stairs and stops after the last step before turning around to look at the elder.

“I’m sure. I’m extremely sure. Besides, I’ve already been accepted and have my schedule sorted out. And! Won’t you feel better being able to check up on your dongsaeng and keeping him on track?” Jungkook reasons, smiling at the elder. Namjoon rolls his eyes and sighs but a smile still manages to find its way onto his face.

“Whatever you say, Kookie.”

“Out of the way!”

Jungkook barely has time to react before a heavy weight collides into him, knocking both of them to the ground. Jungkook’s head hits the concrete with a sickening crack and the last thing the boy hears is his hyung calling out his name.


“I’m so sorry, hyung.”

“It’s okay, Tae. I’m sure he’ll forgive you when he wakes up.”

“Are you sure, hyung?”

“I am… Can you watch him for me? I need to step out.”

“Sure, hyung.”

Jungkook peeks an eye open before quickly closing it because of the amount of sunlight coming into wherever he is.

“Oh, sorry. Lemme close the curtain.” A deep voice mutters before the sound of something sliding across another is heard. Jungkook does another peek test and finds the lighting much more bearable. He’s lying on a bed in what he believes is the university’s infirmary. There’s a lanky, red-haired boy standing next to his bed, looking down at him with a worried expression.

“Who are you and where is my hyung?” Jungkook questions, sitting up slowly. His head is killing him. Feels like he got smacked in the head with a metal bat. He reaches a hand up to touch the top of his head and feels a foreign texture just below his hair.

“I’m so sorry. I was in a hurry to meet my friend and I accidentally ran over you on my skateboard. The doc said if you had hit the concrete any harder you would’ve needed staples instead of just bandages… Ah, Namjoon hyung had to go do something, I think.” The boy explains, wringing his hands. Jungkook can’t help but watch him do it, his eyes slowly trailing up to the–

“Why are your initials bright blue?” Jungkook quickly questions upon noticing the strange phenomenon. The boy looks down at his wrist and gasps. He looks further down at Jungkook’s own initials.

“Yours are doing it too!” The redhead exclaims, pointing to the other boy’s wrist. Jungkook looks down and sees Taehyung is right. The ink of one of his initials reforming itself, making a new letter.

“K… T?” Jungkook questions as the area around his initials starts to itch. The dark-haired boy looks up to the redhead who’s started scratching his tattooed wrist.

“What are yours?” Jungkook asks slowly, reaching out slowly to grab the boy’s wrist. Taehyung allows his wrist to be grabbed only because his mind is forming an idea of what’s happened here.


“My name is Kim Taehyung.” The redhead says, smiling down at the boy. Jungkook is taken aback when that very name is finished inking onto his skin.

“I’m Jeon Jungkook… And I guess we’re soulmates now? I don’t get this change though.” Jungkook mutters as Taehyung sits down next to him on the bed.

“But… you don’t mind it, do you?” Taehyung inquires, reaching out to hold the dark-haired boy’s hand. It doesn’t feel right at first but when Taehyung starts to let go of his hand from lack of response, Jungkook quickly squeezes the redhead’s hand and offers him a smile.

“I don’t mind it at all.”


Explaining what happened to everyone they knew brought the same excited yet confused reactions. The two found that they clicked however because they had a lot in common and a lot of differences as well. But it was only three days later that they got into their first argument… of the day.

“Jeon Jungkook! Did you eat the last of my candy?!”

“It was sitting on the table so–”

“That does not give you the right to fucking eat it, asshole! I was saving the candy for after class destressing!”

“I’m sorry. I’ll go buy some more–”

“No! Don’t bother! Just leave me alone!”

And with that Taehyung locked himself in his room. Jungkook still went to the store and attempted to buy the same kind of candy he’d eaten. He couldn’t get the exact same candy though and just bought something similar, thinking that Taehyung would be satisfied with it… He was not.

“This isn’t what I had!”

“I couldn’t get exactly what you had! I looked everywhere in that damn store!”

“Did you check every store?!”

“No! Why the fuck would I do that?!”

“Then you don’t really fucking love or care about me!”

“Kim Taehyung, just eat this fucking candy and I’ll buy the right kind next time! I bought a bunch of this stuff, baby!”


Jungkook really wanted to murder the boy in his sleep but instead, the boy left the candy in front of the redhead’s door and fell asleep on the couch.

From then on, they constantly had stupid arguments that Taehyung usually started. They went two months with constant arguing and it took the intervention of their friends to get the arguments down to once a month or none at all. Namjoon did some research and found that it was not yet scientifically proven but pairs who had their initials changed constantly argue over infinitesimal things.

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