A Dysfunctional Family

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“Yoongi, come to bed,” Seokjin calls out from the stairs, staring at the back of the younger’s head as he sits on the couch watching TV.

“I’ll go to bed in a minute, hyung,” Yoongi responds distractedly.

“No. I said come to bed. Not go to bed. I need to run a test.” Seokjin retorts, leaning forward on the stair railing. Yoongi turns around to look at the elder with a raised eyebrow.

“What test?”

“I need to see your sleeping habits. See if you snore as loud as Joonie or not.” Seokjin answers, ignoring the faint ‘hey’ from their bedroom. Yoongi groans before turning the TV off and making his way up the stairs to Namjoon and Seokjin’s room. Or is it their room? No, it’s just Seokjin and Namjoon’s.

Namjoon is sitting up on the bed on his phone when Yoongi and Seokjin enter. The blanket is pulled back enough for them to shimmy underneath if Namjoon decided to remain on top of it. Namjoon looks at Yoongi and pats the spot next to him. Begrudgingly, Yoongi climbs over the boy’s legs and shimmies beneath the blanket before lying down on the pillow placed directly in the middle of the ridiculously-sized bed. Seokjin climbs into bed beside Yoongi but sits up instead.

“Namjoon.” Seokjin chides. Namjoon immediately puts his phone on the bedside table beside him before getting under the blanket and lying down.

“Thank you.” The eldest mutters before getting underneath the blanket.

The con to being the smallest one there, Yoongi finds, is that when the other two pull the blanket up to their shoulders, it covers Yoongi’s head… Wait, that’s not really con unless someone farts.

“If either one of you farts, I’ll kill you in your sleep,” Yoongi growls, turning his head to glare at them. The two laugh before bringing the blanket back down so it no longer covers Yoongi’s head.

“Threat level reduced, right?” Namjoon asks but Yoongi merely responds by turning and snuggling into Namjoon’s chest.

“I’ll still kill you.” The elder states, his voice coming out muffled. Seokjin chuckles as he scoots closer to the pair and throws an arm over both of them.

“Good night, Yoonie. Joon.”



A week passes Yoongi by like sand through his fingers. Somehow, after spending a full day alone with both men, Yoongi grew used to their presence and dynamic. The two woke up early so the eldest could cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner on time. Namjoon washes the dishes with Seokjin’s supervision since the eldest swears up and down that Namjoon is accident-prone. Seokjin liked to make jokes to get a reaction out of them when it was too quiet for his liking. Otherwise, it’s always quiet with the two. If they’re sitting and watching TV, Seokjin and Yoongi will be invested in whatever’s on but Namjoon would be reading or typing something on his phone. Yoongi doesn’t know what he really expected from the two … Maybe to be all over each other and exclude him from things but no he ends up sitting between them at all times, even at the kitchen isle. They don’t touch him inappropriately or in unwanted ways. In fact, it seems they’re being careful with him. And Yoongi doesn’t know how he feels about that.

“I don’t want to go to work.” Seokjin whines, falling onto the sofa where his other soulmates are sitting watching TV.

“You have to. You don’t have any more sick days.” Namjoon reasons, giving the elder a kiss on the cheek before pushing him up and off the sofa. Seokjin groans before directing a pout at Yoongi.

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