Letter 27

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"I can't believe captain america and iron man fought" Dahyun's comment after they finished watching Civil war.

"Yes. Captain America did that for bucky. The power of friendship." Jisoo said then sighed.

"So what's next on the list?"

"Uhmm Doctor Strange..." Jisoo said while checking the list.

Dahyun and Jisoo just watch movies for the rest of the day. They started at 10 in the morning and they stopped at 6 in the evening of course they need to rest their eyes.

Meanwhile, Mina together with Jennie, had already arrived at the airport.

"OMG SWITZERLAND IS SO COOL!!" Jennie happily said like a kid.

"We just arrived..." Mina said.

"I know." Jennie rolled her eyes. "What's with that by the way?" Jennie pointed what Mina is holding.

"Its a notebook. Duh." Mina said while showing what Tzuyu gave her earlier at Korea's airport before leaving.

"I know but why??"

"I don't really know..."

Mina don't really know why Tzuyu just suddenly showed up at the airport and gave her that.


"Mina!!!" Tzuyu shouted while running for her life just to catch up with Mina. Thank god Mina hasn't entered the Airport yet.

"Tzuyu??" Mina furrowed her eyebrows. Sana appeared beside Tzuyu holding Tzuyu's shoulder and is panting so hard. "Sana???"

"Damn it Tzuyu you ran like a cheetah" Sana said out of breathe.

"Guys what are you doing here??" Mina asked both of them.

"I just want you to gave this..." Tzuyu handed Mina a Journal notebook.

"This is... Dahyun's Journal way back high school right??" Mina asked while looking at the Journal.

"Yes. Well... i just want you to use it like a Diary. I want you to write stuffs like what happened in your day in Switzerland..." Tzuyu said.

"Why though?? and besides i think all of the pages here are already used-"

"Nahh that bitch is lazy to take down notes so i doubt that." Tzuyu said confidently.


"By the way sorry for last night..." Tzuyu shyly said, she even tilt her head down.

"Its okay Tzu." Mina patted Tzuyu's shoulder. "And oh Sana you okay there?"

"Yes. I'm fine thanks for asking." Sana said.

"HEY MINA YOU BITCH I THOUGHT I'VE LOST YOU!!" Jennie said while running to Mina.

"Excuse me?"

"Bitch move your ass already we only have an hour before our flight!"

"Okay whatever." Mina turned her head to Sana and Tzuyu. "Bye! See you in a month!" Mina wave her hand bye to the two of them. Sana and Tzuyu did too.


"Okay let's go!!" Jennie said then she ran inside the bus that they are going to ride.

They first went into their assigned  hotel for a month.

"so they said we'll be going tomorrow to one of Switzerland's best hospital" Jennie said while fixing her things.

"Yeah okay..." Mina said trying to sound interested. She was busy scanning through the pages of Dahyun's high school journal.

Tzuyu was right, Dahyun doesn't really like to take notes. She just draw a lot on each pages just like what bored elementary students do.

There's a page too where Dahyun and Tzuyu had a little  conversation because they can't talk in class, instead they'll just write it in a chatbox style.

Dahyun: Hey tzuyu let's go to the canteen
Tzuyu: Let's finish this boring class first
Dahyun: But I'm hungry~
Tzuyu: I'm taking notes shut up
Dahyun: History class is so boringgg let's gooo
Tzuyu: I agree but we have to pass this shit, i envy your smart brain :<
Dahyun: yehet

"P.S- our teacher caught us doing this and he read it outloud. The whole class just laughed while our teacher is not okay with it hahahaha" Mina read the little P.S bellow and she just laughed.

"Crazy.." Jennie said while she's looking at Mina while Laughing.

There's this one page that caught Mina's attention.

'Dahyun loves Myoui Mina hahahhaha <3 #MiHyun' it doesn't look like Dahyun's writing, its Tzuyu's. Dahyun just draw a laughing and heart emoji bellow it.

First day at Switzerland is... not bad.

DAY 1 AT SWISS! - Minari's adventure at swiss

-Woah the hotel is nice i love it what else can i say, plus my roommate is so addicted at taking selfies its annoying me please stop me before i can murder- nah just kidding hahahaha

Dear Kim Dahyun [Book 2 of Dear Myoui Mina] || MiHyun Where stories live. Discover now