•when they realise they love you [Losers]•

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Please don't steal my work ^^


You guys were just chilling, having a pretty sweet time just sitting by the quarry, listening to the waves hitting against the rocks, but you got bored, deciding to get up and nudge Richie.

"i wanna stuff my mouth with junk food and play arcade games rich, I ain't waiting around for you so hurry your ass up-"

"alRIGHT ALRIGHT." He chuckled, getting up but stopped, realising you were way cooler than he thought, developing feelings already.

He smiled at you.


All of the Losers Club (including you, of course) were fighting that demon ass Pennywise, but Bill was held captive by him, trapped in a headlock. You were shocked, honestly. Standing up, you saw Richie grabbing a baseball bat from the pile of metal beside you, so you quickly grabbed a metal pipe, which seemed durable enough to fight this thing.

"And now, I'm gonna have to kill this fucking clown." Richie was obviously mad, but you had one last thing to say.


That's when you lunged at it, smacking it hard with the pipe, making it release Bill. You ran towards him, hugging him tightly.

Bill had then realised you were the one for him.


You were worried, to say the least.

Stan had disappeared whilst The Losers Club and you were in the sewers, so you had ventured deep into the sewers to find your best friend (we all know that ain't true, more like boyfriend-).

You called for him, only for a scream to answer back, your instincts making you run towards the noise to investigate.

Once you got there, you pointed the flashlight in every spot of the room, finally seeing Stan getting his face eaten from a woman called Judith he feared, once explaining it to you.

"GET OFF HIM, YOU SLOPPY BITCH!" You fiddled with the sharp spear in your hand, before stabbing it in the side of the head. The thing ran off, covered in blood.

The rest of the Losers Club came in, seeing you and Stan together, Stan crying as you hugged him.

A warm feeling sprung inside of Stan, he knew he was safe beside you and instantly realised you were the one that he loved dearly.


You and the losers club piled into the photo-booth, Bill slipping money into the slot as you all posed, smiling widely as there was a flash and a small 'click'. Posing a few more times, you all got out and looked at the photos, you all looked goofy and were having fun.

You smiled at Eddie, making him smile back at you as you laughed.

"C'mon, Y/N, lets go to the quarry, just me and you!" Eddie chuckled, grabbing your hand to go to Richie's bike (you taught him how to ride one, but his mother won't allow him to get his own bike).You climbed onto the back as he got in front, wrapping your arms around him as you lay your head on his back.

Eddie smiled, blushing, knowing that you were the one he wanted to be beside forever.


Beverly walked out of her apartment, escaping the grips of her abusive dad. you were waiting outside for her, seeing the tears streaming down her face.

"Bev, you alright?" you asked her, she nodded, but you knew she wasn't so you asked her again:

"Bev, please, are you sure you're fine?.."

She hesitated before breaking down again, shaking her head as she collapsed into your arms, explaining what happened with her dad. You said you would protect her, be her knight in shining armour, that you were there for her.

She then realised you were the one that she should protect with her life too.


"Awwe, look at him! Poor Mikey!"

Henry yelled at Mike, pushing his face into the raw meat Mike was meant to deliver, unfortunately that didn't go so well when Henry and his goons showed up.

Suddenly, a bunch of rocks hit Henry's forehead, making it bleed heavily.

HIM!" A sudden girls voice yelled at Henry, she had the balls to do that? Goddamn. Mike looked up and saw you, Y/N, yelling at Henry Bowers, who had already cowered away and ran off with his buddies.

Mike scrambled over to you all, you grabbed onto him, pulling him out of the water.

"You alright?"You reassuringly smiled at Mike, who blushed and nodded.

You were his saviour, so he wanted to make sure he would protect you too.


"It's summer, you should be outside with all your friends-"

"What friends?" You snapped back, a sudden growl in your voice, the librarian glared at you, making you glare back. You tapped your pen on the table, looking through the history of Derry, looking for any disappearances in the past, as your little sister had just gone missing.

"Hey.. Could I borrow that book?" A sudden boys voice made you look up, seeing a chubby (but cute) teen in front of you. You slightly blushed.

"I'm s-sorry.. my little sister went missing and I'm trying to figure out about disappearances  that happened like that or just that are just suspicious." You stuttered out, he sadly smiled, looking at you.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." He gave you condolences, you appreciated that.

"It's fine.. but maybe you can help me?.. Take a seat." You smiled widely.

It's then that Ben realised, that after exchanging names and becoming friends, that you were the one for him, no matter what.


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