•s.u ~> soulmate au•

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Soulmate AU: You can't see the specific type of colour your soulmate's eyes are.
E.g, if your soulmate has green eyes, you can't see the colour of grass or some leaves, if they're blue, you can't see ponds, lakes, streams, water, the sky, etc. you get the point.

Requested by Trashmouth727 once again! Ty for the request again! ^w^

I made a little reference to a different show that Finn Wolfhard is part of, do you know it? ^^

This is not a Y/N x Stan! This is a Trashmouth727 x Stan!

Also, thank you for 4k!!

It's a beautiful Autumn day, but not for Sophia.

She couldn't see the beautiful colours of the leaves, her friends say they're pretty, picking them up and throwing them into the air, dancing around, but all she sees is a colourless grey.

She stared at the trees, they were a dark grey. Sophia sighed, folding her arms as she walked around the park, waiting for her friend to arrive at the designated place.

"Sophia!" The male had yelled, jogging up to her and smiling widely.

"Oh, hey Rich." She greeted him, slightly smiling back at him. He frowned a bit, inspecting her as a whole.

"You seem more sad than usual, what's up?" He asked, she sighed again, rubbing the side of her arm before answering:

"Well, I just want to see brown, I've never got to see it. I want to find my soulmate.."

"Awh, you'll find him soon. Oh! You don't mind if I invite one of my friends over?" he questioned, she shook her head, wanting the extra company.

"Oh, good! I've already invited him. He'll be coming in an hour or so, he's gotta practice for something," he cheered, shoving his hands into his short pockets. "What d'ya wanna do?"

"Ice-Cream?" she smiled, knowing that ice-cream would make them feel better. Richie snickered, before joking:

"Just make sure you don't get chocolate and vanilla, you probably won't tell the difference."

"Hey! Brown is grey in my eyes!" Sophia scoffed, chuckling at the joke.

"I've not found my soulmate either." Richie sighed, running a hand through his hair. They were halfway to the parlour.

"What colour can you not see?" she asked, wrapping an arm around him, he thought for a while, before saying:


"You told me you couldn't see blue! You little liar!" Sophia laughed, hitting his shoulder as Richie laughed as well.

"Hey! It's not my fault!" he winced at the pain inflicting upon his shoulder, rubbing the sore spot. They finally arrived at the ice-cream parlour, Scoops-Ahoy.

Sophia walks through the door Richie opened for her, the bell jingling as the workers at the counter tiredly smiled at them, internally groaning.

"Ahoy, you two, my name is Robin and this is Steve," she points to the man who waved slightly, you could tell he wants to go home. "Let me take you on a boat of flavour. What would you like today?"

Both of them quietly snorted, but it was their job to do this, so they shut themselves up.

"Is that chocolate? I can't see it." Sophia pointed to the greyish colour ice-cream, visibly confused.

"Yeah, it is. Your soulmates eyes are brown, I guess. Sorry Steve, she's not your match-"

"She's literally 15! I'm like, 19 Robin!" He groaned, making Robin laugh.

"What ice-cream do you want, trashmouth? Sophia asked, Richie hesitated, picking mint before paying for the ice-cream cones. They both sat down in a booth, before the door's bell jingled.

"Hey Rich, sorry for the wait." the boy apologised, sitting down next to Richie, she looked into his eyes. Brown. She looked down at her ice-cream.

She could see it.

"R-Rich-" She wasn't able to say anything before she burst out into tears, hugging Stan.

"Woah woah woah, wait! Is Stan The Man your soulmate?!" he exclaimed, standing up almost instantly and bursting into a smile. Sophia nodded, Stan looked out, finally realising he could see the colour he wished to see. He hugged her back tightly, burying his head into her neck.

"Oh my gosh, oh my god.." Stan cried, all of them forgetting that the ice-cream was melting.

"Hey hey hey! Isn't that nice, soulmates finally meeting!" Robin cheered, Steve cheered as well, them clapping as well as some other customers.

"Now just time to find mine." Richie perked up, making Sophia and Stan laugh, as well as a few giggles from Robin.

"How about we take it from here and.. start to get to know each other?" Stan asked Sophia, a small smile plastered onto his face. She looked into his eyes, the colour standing out to her.

"I think we should."


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