•e.k ~> crackhead house•

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This was requested by piggle01 !

It's an Eddie x Alice, not a Y/N x Eddie!

I love the name Alice so much,,

Anywayyyy, Let's get right into this fanfiction!! 💖

"Eds? You sure you wanna do this?" Alice asked, her heart beating out of her chest. Eddie's breath hitched, his heartbeat ringing through his ears.

"Yeah, I'm sure." He answered with a shaky voice, he stared at the house in front of them: 29 Neibolt Street. Bill stared at the house in fear, like the rest of them did.

"Bill, I don't wanna do this." Beverly whispered to him, fiddling with the buttons on her overalls. All of them trembled in fear, worrying about the clown they didn't want to encounter. They didn't want to show their fear, incase it appeared.

"W-Wait!" Stan stuttered, stopping Bill in hid tracks. They all turned to look at him.

"Shouldn't s-some people keep watch?.." Stan nervously said, eying the house that seemed to tower over them. He was obviously trying to get out of it.

"Who wants to stay outside?" Richie questioned, nearly all of them raised their hands, those who didn't were Bill, Alice and Beverly. Richie sighed.

"Guess I'll - go with you." Richie and Eddie said in unison.

- - - - - -

Richie, Bill, Alice and Eddie stepped inside the abandoned, lonely house, the strong smell of decaying bodies and dirt filled the room. Alice tried not to gag, her eyes watering.

"Hey.." Eddie began. "It'll be okay, I promise."

Alice nodded, grasping onto his hand and gripping it tightly, Eddie did the same. Bill treaded forward, Beverly trailing behind as Richie, Alice and Eddie wandered into the far left corner of the house, cobwebs and dust covering the room.

Richie grabbed what seemed to be a crumpled up piece of paper from the cobwebs, brushing the dust and webs off ad he slowly unfolded it. He stared at it, he never felt so scared before. It was a missing poster of him.

"I-I'm missing." he stumbled over his words, afraid of what was to come.

"What?" Alice asked him, confused from the sudden break of silence. She ran to his side, looking at the poster.

"T-That's my hair! That's my face, that's my glasses, that's my clothes!-" Richie was yelling. Alice tried to grab the missing poster, but he gripped onto it too tightly. Instead, she shook him to snap him out of his trance.

"No! Richie! That's not you! It's not real!" she convinced him, he seemed to calm down, tears welling in his eyes. Alice had never saw Richie so upset, nor did she ever see him cry.

He dropped the poster onto the floor, letting Alice stomp on it a few times, before she beckoned him:

"C'mon, lets go."

That put a smile on both of Richie's and Eddie's face. Suddenly, a voice came from upstairs.

"Hello?" It called out, you all froze in place, faces pale. The voice was broken, but bearable enough that they could hear it.

"Is anyone there?" It shouted, Alice felt her heart sink. She realised the voice.

Betty Ribson.

- - - - - -

Eddie was alone, isolated even, in a room by himself in a crackhead house with a broken arm. His eyes darted in every nook and cranny of the room, spotting a fridge which shook slightly, before the door opened with a loud creak.

"Eddie?!" Alice yelled, searching for Eddie throughout the dusty, mouldy house. She scanned her surroundings, finding a hole in the floor. She peered through it, finding Eddie edging backwards from a demonic clown. Alice took the opportunity to jump down and attack the clown, scratching and kicking, punching and hitting as hard as she can.

"Alice!" Eddie cried out as the clown threw her to the ground next to him, she hissed, the familiar feeling of pain tingling throughout her body. Alice managed to open her eyes after the pain had soon faded, seeing that the clown was nearing them.

"Eds, if we're to die right now, there's one thing I want to do right now." Alice managed to confess, her voice quavering as the clown bared its teeth. She pulled Eddie close until their lips pressed together for a short second, both of them pulling away.

Suddenly, a loud scream echoed throughout the room.

Beverly stood there, pole dug deep into the side of the clown's face as the rest of the losers club stood there in shock.

It soon disappeared, Bill following after.

They all headed outside, tired, scruffy and bloody. Eddie looked at Alice awkwardly and vice versa.

"Thanks," Eddie began. "For saving me, Alice."

Eddie's mom pulled up in her car, giving them all a good scolding as Eddie cringed. As Eddie got into the car, he mouthed something to Alice:

"I love you!"

- - - - - - -

Thank you so much for requesting! It was fun writing this!

I hope you enjoyed!


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